Example sentences of "[was/were] [to-vb] that the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In effect this was a period of withdrawal from a rigidly structured police world to a world turned upside down ; where , in a ‘ counter-cultural ’ way , we were to find that the strict terms of reference we had carefully built up over the years no longer seemed to have relevance .
2 Its initial tasks , however , were to ensure that the pioneering work already carried out by the NAS&FU in organising continental branches was consolidated into indigenous unions and to develop European solidarity to a point at which common strike action would be feasible .
3 Events were to show that the persuasive power of force was not lasting and that some parts of the Habsburg lands were still able to defend their privileges effectively .
4 Napoleon was to find that the best roads in Europe could not create a European market .
5 The first was to establish that the primary effects of drugs on cells ( here ‘ drug ’ is used in its broader sense ) are in principle fully understandable in terms of the known laws of physical and biological chemistry .
6 The point of my remarks was to indicate that the longer timescale on which it is technically feasible to store AGR- and PWR irradiated fuels before reprocessing provides the CEGB with a flexibility not available in the case of magnox fuel .
7 The reply by the AFPFL members of Council was to demand that the Red Flags should be banned .
8 His mistake was to assume that the Labour party would provide a more receptive political vehicle for his ideas than the Conservatives .
9 This was to assume that the Danish people would change their minds of their own volition ; that they had been so overcome by the enormity of what they had done that they would hardly be able to wait to get back to the polling stations to put it all right .
10 They had asked for a greater number of " peacekeeping forces " to be sent , although Sahnoun on Aug. 12 was to emphasize that the proposed deployment was not to be regarded as a peacekeeping operation , but was to protect food distribution .
11 Its latent function was to ensure that the lower classes fitted in with the designs of their betters .
12 One main role of the Party was to ensure that the appropriate degree of acclamation was produced .
13 No one could predict with certainty whether or not the King would grant a dissolution in such circumstances , but his inclination was to ensure that the Labour government be given every privilege that previous governments had enjoyed .
14 HOG 's first aim , explains X/Open 's Martin Kirk , was to ensure that the various participants were not all working separately on the same things — but at the same time , that all the appropriate ground was being covered .
15 A further objection was to ensure that the independent members received an outside briefing , setting out the case for a substantial increase in pay for the workers covered by that particular Council .
16 What I wanted to do was to ensure that the social security budget was being spent to best effect .
17 His most serious error , it seems , was to believe that the British Empire with its governing gentleman class , held the high ground when it came to moral ‘ rightness ’ .
18 One approach was to argue that the human memory loss was secondary to the failure of a more fundamental process , like the ability to inhibit inappropriate responses .
19 Chatting to PC Coupland , an avuncular , agreeable man of 39 with the sort of handshake which suggests it would be unwise to give him occasion to put you in an armlock , was to realise that the rural bobby 's function remains essentially unchanging .
20 Yet he was to say that the entire enterprise of The Cantos was undertaken so as to uncover the reasons why war happens , so as to preclude its happening again .
21 My response was to say that the only way he can go from here is down ! ’ quipped Robertson .
22 As part of the Reformation , Henry VIII was to order that the English Prayer Book was to replace the Old Latin Liturgy in Church services .
23 In Book One my main concern was to show that the Christian life is one that has to be seen in the context of the Great Battle .
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