Example sentences of "[was/were] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In an atmosphere so heady with romance , in a climate so receptive to gothic detail and intricate workmanship , jewellery and its design were to enjoy something of a golden age .
2 It was back in England for ( Sir ) Alexander Korda [ q.v. ] in 1933 that Laughton made his screen name in The Private Life of Henry VIII at the start of a sequence of major cinema biographies ( The Barretts of Wimpole Street ( 1934 ) , Mutiny on the Bounty ( 1935 ) , Rembrandt ( 1936 ) , and the unfinished I Claudius ( 1936 ) ) , which were to see him at the very peak of his reflective , anguished talent for larger-than-life monsters of reality .
3 But if England and Wales were to provide them with the right context come this Saturday , Mike Teague — who has been shortening in the betting and who was integral to the Lions ' strategy under the same coach , McGeechan , in Australia in 1989 — and either Emyr Lewis or Richard Webster could win the two blindside berths .
4 And it would be nice if you were to provide her with a little brother or sister . ’
5 To understand this point you should imagine ( or even actually perform ) your pronunciation of a sentence in a number of different ways : for example , if the sentence was ‘ I want to buy a new car ’ and you were to say it in the following ways : ‘ pleading ’ , ‘ angry ’ , ‘ sad ’ , ‘ happy ’ , ‘ proud ’ , it is certain that at least some of your performances will be different from some others , but it is also certain that the technique for analysing and transcribing intonation introduced earlier in the course will be found inadequate to represent the different things you do .
6 Our terms of reference made it clear that we were to concern ourselves with the English curriculum for all pupils , whatever their mother tongue .
7 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
8 When , in the summer of 1983 , she went to England for a few weeks , she took a French companion whose role was to instruct her during every spare moment .
9 There was no sense in expecting any help from the boy , the only thing to be done was to exclude him as an irresponsible minor from the consideration of his own fate .
10 To cling to a Polish identity was to exclude oneself from the German monopoly on higher education and from all but menial employment in industry ; given the rapid depopulation of the countryside it was also to insist on the right to become and remain part of a backward , ignorant , illiterate , inward-looking agrarian people , stuck in a rural backwater with no access to the outside world , with scant interest from that world and little hope of progress .
11 In those circumstances the only option open to a government , determined to return Rover to the private sector , was to sell it to a British company which was not involved in the car industry .
12 The plan , agreed in 1989 , was to replace it with a purpose-built dental hospital and postgraduate institute .
13 His aim was to reconvert them to a Unitarian Christianity devoid of superstition .
14 The government 's obvious intention was to identify me as the main source of all the criticism and speculation running counter to the official line on Flight 103 and then to destroy me .
15 I have to pay 80p for one piece of Vallis , Cabomba etc at any of the fish centres in this part of the world and £1.50 each if I was to buy them in the little pots .
16 It would n't be the first time that a man had lovingly supported a woman through crisis only to discover that when she was strong again his own need was to confine her in a dependent role .
17 However , to knock down old buildings was to put himself beyond the pale — not before time perhaps , but hardly for the right reason .
18 They were in costumes that , in spite of their crumpled shabbiness , recalled the garb of Count Arnheim in the opera of ‘ The Bohemian Girl ’ , and looked like fugitive kings and emperors beside the thick-set railway porter , in capacious velveteens , whose duty it was to put them on the right track towards the ‘ free land ’ .
19 As the novelist E. M. Forster was to put it in the Indian summer of the bourgeoisie : ‘ In came the dividends , up went the lofty thoughts . ’
20 At the time of Cats , for example , there were lots of offers to turn that into a film , but his instinct was to keep it as a musical play and hold off the film offers .
21 This body was to turn itself into the Labour Party in 1906 .
22 He knew well enough that convincing politicians was a tough job , so his plan was to present them with an informed and insistent electorate of the future .
23 To turn Christian , in the 1930s and after , was to declare for the past , and only Graham Greene among notable pre-war literary converts to Rome was to maintain anything like a left-Wing view of public affairs .
24 The only option , as far as the doctor was concerned , was to get him into the local hospital where he would be well looked after and out of sight for the time being .
25 There were lots of young people working there whose main ambition was to get me into a good home .
26 ‘ My first reaction was to get someone from the British Transport Police , but the door of their office was locked .
27 A Norwegian freedom fighter who knew the area was to take her to the nearby village , after which she was on her own .
28 The sixth , Italy , was to prove something of a lame duck in their company , because of her lack of resources .
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