Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] the [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , they saw the empire as the basis of Britain 's claim to world power status , and their commitment to exporting self-government — which they wrote about as if it were merely the current expression of the British administrative genius — was secondary to this .
2 Impassioned sequences in which the " poetry " consisted of nothing more than strings of synonyms were merely the extreme example of a tendency that was apparent throughout the work .
3 The fly-by-night theologies of the ‘ death of God ’ and ‘ magic mushrooms ’ were only the anarchic end of a serious attack by modern scholarship upon the presuppositions of biblical faith and credal affirmation ( see chapter eight ) .
4 The American trade figures were generally the high moment of the month .
5 The 330 replies showed that 22 servicemen had died of reticuloendothelia system neoplasms ( cancers ) , and another five dead men had a history of such diseases although they were not the primary cause of death .
6 They were not the only respondent of the survey who identified another clear advantage of headhunting , especially for the most senior positions : that staff who were prepared to move jobs actually prefer to be headhunted , rather than face the time-consuming task of ploughing through advertisements or the slightly demoralising task of putting their names down with agencies .
7 ‘ Mr Jacobsen , ’ she forced herself to speak slowly and calmly , refusing to let him know he 'd just lit a tinder within her , ‘ it may have escaped your notice that you were not the only member of the cast — come to that , you were n't the only male , either .
8 The Tehran media were not the only source of hostility to Saddam .
9 Clearly well-spoken female gardeners were not the usual clientèle of this hospital .
10 Now these were perfectly fine eating establishments that served wholesome food on crisp white table cloths , but were not the usual sort of house favoured by top stars .
11 The " malice " , in the sense that the virulent criticisms were not the honest belief of their writer , lay in the description of her as " a middle aged star [ who ] can " t sing , her bum is too big and she has the sort of stage presence that jams lavatories … [ she ] looks just as ugly with make-up . "
12 These lectures making science comprehensible and palatable for the fashionable , the earnest and the intellectual circles of London were not the whole programme of the Institution .
13 These tasks were largely the direct product of successful service development and , at times , they threatened to squeeze out the development of new services .
14 The sunlight from an open window shone into his eyes , and she noticed that they were exactly the same shade of green as Stephen 's , and just as opaque .
15 The language of their statement was more extreme and militant than that of earlier protest groups but the concrete demands were already the common currency of anti-Unionists in the city and , as such , were neither new nor especially radical .
16 Higher European interest rates were hardly the main concern of investors in Oslo , home of Europe 's second-best performing market this year .
17 But having put him in , he rarely consulted him on general policy issues and gave hint little role even in industrial disputes , which were still the traditional concern of the Board of Trade .
18 Moreover the Yek had a horror of the mutations which were still the occasional result of the patches of radiation which were to be found in places around the continent , and they had laws to prevent the proliferation of mutant types through succeeding generations .
19 His meetings with the CBI and the Prime Minister were clearly the main focus of his mission .
20 But cattle were also the principal form of economic capital in the societies concerned ; the payment was a cost to the payers .
21 Some of these were connected with exchange control offences , and a few concerned illegal immigrants in which the police also features ; there were also the usual run of the mill revenue offences involving large consignments of spirits and tobacco goods , but towards the end of 1970 drug smuggling was rapidly increasing .
22 We were also the first sponsor of televised croquet in association with Granada TV and we have since launched a competition to stimulate schools involvement in this fascinating sport .
23 Individuals and their relationship to the social world were also the prime concern of Thomas .
24 But they were also the golden age of doctrinal clarification .
25 These inaccessible 470ft sheer cliffs were also the last haunt of the Maltese Falcon — the peregrine .
26 Market research surveys were probably the first type of opinion survey to be used and as early as the first decade of the twentieth century .
27 Blake speculates that the rocks were probably the upper edge of a continental fragment that plunged under the North American plate .
28 Visitors were probably the biggest problem of all , for people calling round did n't expect to find a barn owl sitting in the living room .
29 They accordingly had interests in the north as well as East Anglia , and the Yorkshire lands were probably the particular responsibility of William , who is regularly described as ‘ of Swillington ’ .
30 They accordingly had interests in the north as well as East Anglia , and the Yorkshire lands were probably the particular responsibility of William , who is regularly described as ‘ of Swillington ’ .
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