Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adj] to the same " in BNC.

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1 The role of the officers — the vanguard of revolutionary education , exempt from the civilian controls which applied to electricity or water — seemed to have encouraged them in their belief that in their private capacities too officers were not subject to the same rules as civilians .
2 Resentful at being used as manual labourers , blacks then discovered that they were not entitled to the same pay increases as white troops because , as the War Office ruled , they were ‘ natives ’ .
3 If two different species showed the same coloration , this merely confirmed that they were both subject to the same orthogenetic trend .
4 Secret sales of property were also subject to the same lambasting .
5 On April 29 , 1990 , after two days and two nights of filibustering by Communists , Rocard forced through a guillotine measure , transforming the Renault motor company from a régie ( which worked for the " exclusive interest of the nation " , was not subject to the same financial controls as ordinary companies , did not until 1970 have any share capital , was able to implement more progressive wage and labour policies , and remained ultimately under Ministry of Industry control ) into an ordinary public limited company .
6 And it was a perfectly well-deserved honour which was not open to the same criticism as many of the other honours that Wilson made or unhappily was persuaded to make .
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