Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] her [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 Maggie was stabbing her finger at the different plates on the table , and her aunt wagged her head and pursed her lips before she said , flatly , ‘ I 'm courting one of the airmen ; he comes to Donald 's farm . ’
2 Amanda Fergusson was directing her field-glasses at the Monastery of Saint James , and her face bore an expression of prim pleasure which shocked her companion .
3 She was combing her hair at the mirror .
4 Linda herself was doing her homework at the table in the corner .
5 and she was having her drink at the same time
6 One spring-driven second later she 'd cut herself free , and two seconds after that she was showing her heels at the side door .
7 As a cop arrived , his cyclops helmet protruding above the heads of the crowd , the woman was lowering her bucket at the end of a rope , shouting to a gaggle of little painted boys for a refill .
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