Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] from the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , there is wide scope for creating designs with a botanical feel , and in the picture shown on the facing page , I decided to use the leaves and buds that were picked from the same plant as the main flowers , thus creating a design that was botanically correct .
2 In many repects the bishops of the Merovingian kingdom were like secular magnates , and for the most part they were drawn from the same class .
3 The same advantage can be taken of star clusters like the Pleiades and the Hyades : their component stars were born from the same gas clouds and must therefore be at the same distance from us .
4 However , in this case , it would not be necessary to determine that all the quanta came from the same direction : it would be enough to observe that they all arrived within a very short time interval to be reasonably confident that they were coming from the same burst .
5 And there 'd been quite a number there , obviously in that burns unit , who were suffering from the same type of er injury .
6 The study now reported began with the author recognising from an examination of the name ‘ Forsey ’ that although the second syllable had obviously developed from the Anglo-Saxon haeg ( with the noun prefix ge ) and the Middle English hei/hey , meaning enclosure , it seemed unlikely that the first syllables fors and furs were descended from the same root word , and the fact that Dr Reaney had cited widely separated counties for their ( rather late ) emergence was a further slight pointer .
7 In some cases several samples were taken from the same object , but from different layers or areas .
8 Competition with the same binding sites in F9 EC cell extracts is shown in tracks 2 and 3 ; tracks 1 to 5 were taken from the same experiment .
9 Four trees were constructed from the same word lists , and candidate strings from a test sentence checked against them .
10 They were chosen from the same drawer but were not a pair !
11 Subjects D and E were chosen from the same batch of plant pots as being roughly the same size when judged by eye alone .
12 The San Francisco Museum is loaning us their beautiful Dirck Bouts ‘ Madonna and Child ’ that was done from the same cartoon or pattern as ours , the main difference being that theirs has a brocade background and ours is plain .
13 Whenever Joanne completed a task requested by one or other parent without complaint she was rewarded from the same reward ‘ menu ’ .
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