Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adv prt] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A party from Wick High School were booked in for the weekend .
2 Finished cloth and yarn were hung out for the approval of the merchants and their servants , the broggers , as they rode round the countryside in search of spun yarn and woven cloth .
3 Children were out playing in the schoolyards , shouting and enjoying the sunshine ; shops were closed up for the dinner hour .
4 They were cleaned up for the arrival of summer and then it was not unusual if they were repaired before the onslaught of winter .
5 The boundaries were drawn up for the Directive on a Commune by Commune basis with the vast majority of Communes being entirely allocated to one or other LFA zone .
6 PREMIER John Major and his bungling sidekick Norman Lamont were shown up for the joke double act they are yesterday .
7 So that 's when I was eating my dinner , when they were going up for the cup and she fell asleep , well you know with the wine in you , here was my eyes all out for the count .
8 Who were going in for the exam and I were n't allowed to help them .
9 Staff who helped care for American casualties were invited back for the occasion … along with a cavalcade of military vehicles from the second world war .
10 At the back of the house was a lock-up gaol and if any one caused any trouble they were locked up for the night , then transported the next morning by the local ‘ taxi ’ , which was a horse and cart , to the police station at Brough to be tried .
11 Northumbrian villages , though protected to some extent by castles and garrisons such as those at Carlisle , Naworth , Harbottle and Norham , tended to be built in a sort of miniature bailey around a large square green which could be gated when cattle were brought in for the night .
12 Rules were laid down for the management of schools , and the provision of finance by local authorities .
13 In fact , 32 houses , 3 churches and 2 gardens were taken over for the building of the Clementinum or Jesuit College .
14 Open field sites in the vicinity of London were taken over for the construction of studios in the belief that it was heaps of brick and iron rather than organizational flair that explained the success of Louis B. Mayer or Samuel Goldwyn .
15 In later years some swings were put up for the school , but that was after my time .
16 Finally that evening the engine pulled into Maidstone where they disembarked , and were put up for the night at the local barracks of the Royal West Kents .
17 The taxi driver who left us at the station , enchanted by the idea that we were setting off for the source of the Nile , refused to accept any fare .
18 Last year , 20 players were sent off for the use of elbows .
19 Others , their duties finished , were settling down for the night on their pallets in front of the fires .
20 Eight cars were illuminated , including car 3 of 1885 ( see p. 37 ) , and the lights were kept on for the rest of the season to enhance the scene .
21 At the time , Belinda had merely thought she was resting up for the party .
22 When his father was tucked up for the night , the son would wander out into the garden and enjoy the cool air as a contrast to the fug of the sick-room .
23 The cops worked shifts , but I was booked in for the run .
24 Clearly Helen has looked for ‘ explanations ’ to help her deal with such a painful experience , and the one she seems to have come up with is that she was picked on for the way she looks .
25 It was written in such haste that only the violin part was copied out for the performance ; Mozart played his part from memory .
26 Nowhere was this more apparent than in the complicated pattern of voting that was drawn up for the Council , varying according to the nature and source of the issue under discussion and ranging from simply majorities through qualified majorities to unanimity .
27 Over lunch at the Roof Gardens , an agreement was drawn up for the purchase of Powell 's share in Virgin , giving him one million pounds , the Scala cinema and the video-editing suites .
28 He said he was going in for the Spot the Talent competition at the Easter Fete .
29 Outside , Baker Street was closed down for the weekend except for the Barracuda Club , which had taken over from the original School Dinners restaurant after it moved across the road to usurp the No. 34 Wine Bar .
30 Afraid she might doze off if she gave in to temptation and lay down on the bed , she sat down instead on the room 's only chair , and picked up a book , absorbing not a single word as she waited for the sounds that would mean he was turning in for the night .
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