Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , in order to minimise the risk of falsely rejecting an existing difference , p values less than 0.05 were considered as significant although multiple tests were carried out on the same data .
2 Age is unlikely to have influenced the findings or the conclusions of our study , because all the tests and comparisons were carried out on the same group of patients .
3 Commander David Tucker head of the anti-terrorist squad believes both attacks were carried out by the same IRA unit .
4 It is finally stated in the report that the police believed the rapes were carried out by the same man , who is described quite fully .
5 New York became conditioned to skyscrapers which were torn down after a few years ' life to be replaced by newer skyscrapers .
6 A square vessel and parts of other domestic articles of wood were found about eight feet down in a peat moss at Strathmore , near Gruinart , and bones of a fifteen years old girl and a cow horn were turned up by the same peat diggers .
7 Seventy per cent of those continuing their studies were staying on In the same institution where they had taken the Advanced Course : the rest were changing institutions .
8 However , the effect of experience on temperament is still limited by the horse 's genetic traits — for example , if both the naturally placid horse and the naturally nervous horse were brought up in the same rough environment , then the placid horse would still be less timid than the nervous one .
9 Approximately one hour later , they were brought back to the same room and asked to retell the story again .
10 Two additional changes ( also only relevant to joining a new scheme ) were brought in at the same time .
11 Its weakness was its technical conservatism ; although in 1880 the Admiralty agreed to reintroduce breechloading guns on heavy ships , the armoured cruisers Impérieuse and Warspite , which were laid down in the same year , were still designed to carry a full spread of sail .
12 He said he had met Mounsey in prison and believed they were set up by the same gang of traffickers in Bangkok .
13 After that win , Hope 's family and supporters celebrated with champagne in the dressing room and Lawless recalled : ‘ We only had a few glasses and Mo and I were drinking out of the same one .
14 The fact that visiting supporters were allowed in to the same terracing , even though distinctly segregated , was a constant source of irritation to many Oxford fans , and it was often pointed to as an explanation for the occurrence of ‘ bovver ’ .
15 For the user it is as if everyone were signed on to the same LAN .
16 She barely had time to assimilate the sudden rapid rise and fall of his chest before her head was wrenched back with a less than gentle hand and her mouth was captured by his .
17 Further expansion was carried out on the same basis , progressively moving through the model until more specific activities started to emerge , such as those that could be associated with component 8.7 , ie reduce costs :
18 Detectives believe this attack was carried out by the same man who raped a student from Somerville college two months ago in public toilets in the city centre .
19 The drive against corporations was carried out in the same spirit ; the only reason why the Whigs and Nonconformists had grown so influential in corporation politics was because the Corporation Act of 1661 had not been properly enforced .
20 ‘ It was an obvious choice , partly because of all the business they were doing in Europe and also because the public was fed up with the same old faces ; here was someone fresh at last , ’ recalls Peter Batty , director of the him .
21 They demanded bracket construction for the overhead wires , but this was turned down for the same reasons as those in Mitcham .
22 Baroness Thatcher too is an Oxford graduate , but when moves were made to confer an honorary degree on her in the nineteen eighties , she was turned down by the same people , amid stormy controversy .
23 And that 's infuriated supporters of former Prime Minister Lady Thatcher who was turned down by the same people for an honorary degree after she 'd been at Ten Downing Street for five years .
24 Security sources said Major George Serhal was handed over to the former Lebanese president , Suleiman Franjieh .
25 The judge 's decision was handed down on the same day that Exxon announced that first-quarter profits for 1991 had leapt 75% over the same period last year , to $2.24 billion .
26 Yet in most of the cases they present , the hoaxer was found out within a few years and promptly punished with significant disgrace .
27 With much wider powers than its predecessor , the Secondary Examinations Council ( SEC ) , SEAC is also heir to the recommendations of another of the Secretary of State 's ad hoc working parties , the Task Group on Assessment and Testing ( TGAT ) which was set up at the same time as the first curriculum working groups and , like them , worked under enormous pressure to produce proposals for the assessment of the National Curriculum .
28 The Group 's responsibility for site-specific geophysical surveys brings with it the parallel responsibility for databasing the considerable archive of material from surveys of this kind made over the 40 years since the Geophysics Department was set up in the former Geological Survey of Great Britain .
29 The sponsorship deal between the school and the film company was set up by a former Downs School pupil , who now manages the Phoenix Cinema .
30 The consignment was brought over in the same way and after it was left in a lay-by in Lymm , Cheshire , Customs officers pounced when Scott arrived to collect it .
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