Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [to-vb] [noun] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 While he declared that the Lebanese , Syrian and Iranian governments were to continue to support resistance to Israel , he was believed to have given some undertakings to the Lebanese government on restraining Hezbollah activity in southern Lebanon .
2 Clarrikers were going to send Herbert to India , to open a new office there .
3 It was decided to recall Blake to London in a manner that would not arouse his suspicions so a message was sent to Nicholas Elliott , chief of MI6 in Beirut , who got in touch with Blake and said that London would like to discuss a chance of promotion and a new job with him .
4 He never discovered how Uncle Titch was persuaded to give refuge to Mary Moxton and her hidden embryo .
5 Though he was bound to give priority to Italy and to the Hellenistic East in his negative analysis of Roman rule , it did not escape him that the barbarous West was involved in the crisis .
6 The post was much too risky , so sometimes I was asked to carry funds to Parma on my bicycle .
7 Berger was forced to leave things to Eggar who spoke the language fluently .
8 In 1595 Crosse was preparing to accompany Ralegh to Guiana when he was recalled to the navy at the queen 's specific order .
9 In 1910 a line which was described as being ‘ of imperial importance ’ was started to link Ceylon to India .
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