Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adv] that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Recently additional facilities were completed so that the Department now comprises a purpose-built Food Studies/Cookery Room and a separate Textile Studies/Fabric Work Area .
2 Last year , Scotland 's 16 health boards were reconstituted so that no trade unions or local authorities had the right of membership , and they are now dominated by the Tories ' natural allies — business people — under the cloak of rhetoric about bringing in commercial nous ( see box ) .
3 We were told later that the fraud was so enormous — a total of $10 million — that reconstruction was impossible , and that any money the majority shareholders could put in would soon disappear into a large hole .
4 Employees at the Dupont nylon fibres factory in Brockworth , Gloucester were told today that a quarter of the workforce … 250 out of a total of 990 , are to lose their jobs .
5 When stoppages were called so that the canal could be repaired the blacksmith would go on site to fit the ironwork he had made .
6 LABOUR delegates were warned yesterday that the party would lack electoral credibilty if it promised increases in public spending which could only be met by higher borrowing or taxes .
7 In 1989 , however , the 1980 , 1981 and 1982 extensions were repealed so that the relief now only applies to business assets .
8 The muscles were divided so that the cut end of the bone was covered and a flap of skin was left that could be used to cover the wound .
9 Over ten , half hour meetings were held so that every employee in the group had an opportunity to attend .
10 We now went further , proposing changes in the way that doctors were paid so that the remuneration system much more clearly recognized the good doctors and the good practices .
11 Largely as a result of these influential criticisms , the law was altered so that the requirement of intent was abrogated .
12 It was emphasized above that the market model is essentially an ex-post version of the CAPM .
13 The ‘ vertical ’ division of London was adjusted so that the weekend franchise would run from 7.00 pm on Friday , not from Saturday morning .
14 In early April it was reported locally that the government , as part of a proposed 15-point economic programme , was seeking to stabilize the economy without " shocks " , and to promote wide-ranging sectoral agreements to curb inflation ( still running at over 20 per cent a month ) while stimulating production and preserving jobs .
15 It was reported also that the Justice Ministry had on Feb. 12 begun proceedings to extradite former President Duvalier from France on charges of the theft of US$800,000,000 , the abuse of power and the murder of political opponents .
16 It was argued then that the term furnished tenancy could be expressed as , f ( a , b , c , d … n ) = furnished tenancy .
17 It was argued earlier that the role of state enterprises partly reflects the interests of social classes and groups and the way they are represented within the polity .
18 It was said yesterday that the book 's publishers , Century Hutchinson , accepted that the ‘ very grave charges ’ were ‘ entirely untrue ’ .
19 It was decided early that the organization should be strongly business-led with unified functional departments in support .
20 Not far from the palace a fine zoological garden was built so that the Emperor could view all kinds of wonderful animals from his window .
21 I was told later that the designer at the Natural History Publications Section nearly broke down trying to put the pieces together , just as it was thought all the animals had been spotted and labelled , another would be discovered ; I think this was an exaggeration but it was a very tricky task .
22 COOKSTOWN Magistrates Court was told yesterday that a farmer forged his deceased mother-in-laws name on a cheque to pay his electricity bill .
23 But the borough 's environmental health committee was told yesterday that the outbreak , which has been sweeping the region , is slowing down .
24 The phone rota was redrawn so that the week was divided between five , not six .
25 Following TODAY 's campaign , it was understood yesterday that the Attorney General had called for papers which would enable him to consider the case .
26 He summoned over the waiter , who was chastened now that a man had arrived , and ordered wine to supplement Blanche 's mineral water .
27 The machine was manoeuvred so that the tip of the dildo was just touching the lush folds of her sweet vulva .
28 It was learned later that the plane had flown through overhead high tension power cables and left the topmost cable intact ; 132,000 volts of electricity had passed through the aircraft , igniting all flammable material on board .
29 A certificate was issued so that the funeral arrangements could be made and the inquest was adjourned to a date to be fixed .
30 It was confirmed yesterday that the meeting scheduled for Doncaster on 27 October is to be transferred to Carlisle .
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