Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 These lessons were given at the right time and were invaluable in later life .
2 A major problem with early computers was the question of reliability ; pessimistic forecasts were made of the mean time to failure of assemblies of several thousand valves , and a prime consideration in designing a computer was to make it as simple as possible .
3 Erm I 'm not saying that er there were n't problems in security and using public transport and fear of using public transport after dark , but we were quite surprised that compared with the rest of the U K it was erm not acceptable but it gave us an indication on , on where to go from there on , erm and also I think er the important factor that in the lower in Strathclyde that we 've actually consulted women in terms of er what they want and what they need er in the transport world erm in public transport and that 's not lip service we 've actually had discussions groups and that information has been fed into the large erm public transport review that were undertaking at the present time .
4 I know because many years ago I happened to be in the right place , in the ambulance I was driving at the right time and was able to e effect a rescue of an old woman from her smoke filled house at Burstill Ten minutes later I could not have done it because of the smoke .
5 Brothers Max ( the mechanic ) and Edwin ( the engine tuner ) both raced themselves ( bikes and car rallies respectively ) but quit when it became obvious that Bradl was destined for the big time .
6 IT WAS N'T a record but that grand Heriot 's FP hooker of yesteryear , Bob Tollervey , who was 16 times reserve for Scotland without ever winning a cap , could be excused for feeling that he was born at the wrong time .
7 And since , unlike many wives of city moguls , she 'd had recent experience at the sharp end of business in the City of London , she understood , only too clearly , the problems he was facing at the present time .
8 As a player Denis Smith was a concrete block of a centre half with Stoke City … and most of his career was spent in the big time
9 The " Baltic path " to emancipation — the landless variant — was discredited at the very time disagreements over the way forward were at their height .
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