Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Tumour necrosis factor positive cells were located mainly in the deeper lamina propria , whereas the interleukin 1 signal was diffuse , but predominantin subepithelial macrophages .
2 It may be that they were climbing up into the older parts of the mine above the Grand Level to ascertain whether all the worthwhile ore had been taken out .
3 When our dad died , we were turned out by the Bridgewater agent .
4 Since coal could be taken anywhere , some factories were built also in the older towns , such as Manchester , Preston and Leeds .
5 This suggests that both groups of children were adding on to the larger digit a number of steps equal in value to the smaller digit .
6 He took his senior men aside at lunchtime for a tour d'horizon on ‘ the wider implications of the project for European unity , and when the Cabinet resumed matters of cost and technical detail which had caused objections that morning were swallowed up in the wider prime ministerial perspective ’ .
7 Those who were brought up on the older theories of the Westminster model in which , despite party loyalties , there was a balance between the executive and the legislature as a whole , expect that the House of Commons will still regard its main functions as being to consider and amend legislative proposals from the government ( and from private members ) , to scrutinize public expenditure and to expose government policies to continual questioning and debate .
8 The mean age of a sample of thirty-four boys in this group who were to contribute greatly to the later stages of the research was 15 1 years .
9 Initially the grants were concentrated mainly in the higher education sector but in recent years attention has been switched to the schools sector .
10 The changes , which were designed to bring the Hong Kong exchange into line with international practice , were opposed mainly by the smaller Chinese brokers , and supported by the larger international institutions which had moved increasingly into the Hong Kong exchange in the 1980s .
11 As shown in Fig. 2A , two footprints were observed either with the lower or the upper strand labelled .
12 Perhaps that seems a little severe , but in practice bishops were subjected henceforth to an ever-closer Roman control and appointment system , while being offered no theology to ground any distinct authority .
13 The sash windows were put in at a later date but the glazing bars still follow the lines of the mullions and transoms and look particularly well .
14 After lengthy discussion this was approved , subject to a number of points which required further consideration and were stood over to a further meeting .
15 It was developed specifically for the larger urban workshops and consists of an adjustable loom with a device which , by altering the tension on the warp strands , shifts the completed work to the rear of the loom , allowing the weaver to sit at the same level throughout the entire rug-making process .
16 This difference was explained largely by the higher rate of withdrawal for non academic reasons for mature entrants .
17 But Tsu Ma had turned already and was wading out into the deeper water .
18 It 's alleged that the body was hidden there by the younger brother .
19 He was to remain there for a further six years .
20 But the adverse reaction was confined largely to the bigger companies , with the more widely-based FT-250 and FT-350 indexes showing smaller falls .
21 My work-rate was speeded up by the further drops of rain that fell on me .
22 James began construction of the large residential gatehouse or forework , called le dungeon , that was added on to the earlier gatehouse to provide a more fitting apartment for the Keeper — and also for the King , whenever he should visit .
23 The tumour necrosis factor signal was located mainly in the deeper lamina propria whereas the interleukin 1β was seen in subepithelial macrophages .
24 The television-viewing public was made up of the older stay-at-homes , not the swinging exotics whose exploits filled the front pages of the newspapers .
25 Some of this deficit was made up by a further encroachment upon the lands of the Church ; the chantries were dissolved in 1548 and episcopal property came under pressure towards the end of the reign .
26 This south façade of Manor Farm was built on to an earlier house in 1725 .
27 It was lying laterally between the greater cornu of the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage .
28 Such attitudes were reinforced by the increased contact with more remote societies as tropical Africa was opened up during the later decades of the nineteenth century .
29 By such a mechanism , in which family ties played an important part , a relatively rapid ascent was opened up for the younger sons of the prosperous Catalan farmers who must leave the farm to the chosen heir ( the hereu ) ; within a generation a man could make a modest fortune , exposed to the risk of loss as well as the hope of gain .
30 I was able to meet some of the leading Indian academic figures in English and Linguistics , and at the same time to find out what was going on at the lower levels of teaching in Universities and affiliated Colleges .
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