Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of his playing career when he was with Hibs and contemplating a move to the Orlando Lions , a short lived soccer team in Florida , Rough 's business interests not only brought him appalling bad luck but imposed a series of financial set-backs that were to affect him in the years to come .
2 Shouts and curses echoed across the vault , and then they were hurling themselves down the steps .
3 He pulled out a burnet leaf and ate it slowly , concealing his fear as best he could ; for all his instincts were warning him of the dangers in the unknown country beyond the warren .
4 If the bird were dashing itself against the bars , feathers flying , then the similarities to human suffering would arouse impulses to assist , even to release it , like the giraffe .
5 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds .
6 They had taken the area from the rebels and were defending it on the orders of General Kopyion .
7 ‘ If they were taking him to the police station , why did they walk three miles .
8 ‘ I thought you were taking me to the police station . ’
9 ‘ I believe that someone knew you had the sack with you and that you were taking it to the outlaws . ’
10 In the centre of the piece was a carving of a shoemaker resisting four shaggy devils who were dragging him from the embraces of what at first Athelstan thought was a young lady but , on looking closer , -realised that with his tail and close-cropped hair , it was a depiction of a male prostitute .
11 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
12 At the front , though , they had taken them through the gate and were playing them on the windows of Hilda Machin 's sitting-room .
13 Er I were telling you about the pianos , in one particular terrace you could just imagine it in , what , nineteen er twenty si no , twenty seven twenty eight , and you know things were bad , you talk about the thirties , the twenties were worse than that .
14 Veterans mostly of conferences and corporate operations where the good time masked a definite hidden agenda , they were steering him through the introductions deftly and with an impressive display of memory .
15 It was frightening to walk through the Barkhor , where Chinese soldiers with machineguns were watching us from the roofs .
16 Duncan , Bert and I were to secrete ourselves behind the curtains along with Aspel , who was to demonstrate the trick with the help of his three ‘ assistants ’ .
17 One day Judge Raymond Dean was reminding us of the perils of ignoring men 's bestial nature-— ‘ Men ca n't turn their emotions on and off like a tap as some women can ’ ; the next , Prince Edward was vehemently denying his alleged homosexuality by expressing outrage that such an insult should be levelled at him ; meanwhile , on TV the Audi driver screeched to a halt at the hospital where — with toddler in arms — he managed narrowly to miss his second child 's birth , and Good Housekeeping boasted a curious advert showing New Man ( Audi safely in the garage ? ) in boxer shorts , cradling new baby , sitting on a German washing machine .
18 Yet now he was praising her to the skies .
19 It was her firm belief that the quickest way to achieve mental health was to absorb oneself in the problems of others and , in this particular centre , it seemed to have worked .
20 But Michele was urging her down the steps , and the gondolier had reached up to assist her into the gently rocking craft .
21 But by then , Nicolo was hurrying her down the steps , out of the building , and into a black Mercedes limousine .
22 ‘ He was feeding them to the tigers ! ! ’
23 Because i in , in theory presumably they s they should n't have been abusing their position , they should n't be gaining more because the whole point was to do it for the masses particularly , I mean if you were a Party cadre erm you should n't be getting more out of it than anybody else .
24 I did n't take offence , nor did I think her last question the non sequitur of a schizophrenic — Chineseness had everything to do with financial acumen — but she was treating me with the politeness she would accord a stranger who was her equal .
25 I must have dropped off to sleep ; next thing , someone was prodding me in the ribs with a rifle butt , and a voice was saying , ‘ Come on , Piper .
26 The doves were fluttering upwards to the music , and his Maria Filippa — an unusual diva , wearing spectacles — with Pericle on her arm in a lace bonnet and button boots , was greeting him under the olives .
27 ‘ Ma must have taken to cooking up bits of food in her bedroom , ’ Algy said when Lady Grubb was doing something to the plants and she and Guy were alone with father in his study .
28 I was doing it under the covers you see ?
29 I think Alwin and Pat use an auditor cos as you know he 's in business and I 've got a feeling that Alwin was asking me about the auditors the other day , so whether there 's would be , whoever he is , would be er willing to do it , I do n't know .
30 The Perm was soon taking pity on Charlie , as people tended to , and Charlie was asking him about the pressures of fame as if it were something that concerned him from day to day .
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