Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [pron] [prep] his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This wife stood by her afflicted husband and even expressed fears about what might happen if the firm were to remove him from his electronic friend : ‘ I know it sounds funny , but I 'm afraid that losing that computer may break his heart . ’
2 The name was spoken with a malevolent hiss , as though he were spitting it from his blood-smeared mouth , so hateful was its foul taste to him .
3 He was steadying her with his left arm , fumbling with something in his right hand .
4 She felt safe only when he was treating her with his customary icy rage .
5 Yuan was saying something in his own tongue to one of his companions , the man Mubarak , who had been renamed Barakai .
6 Privately , Robbie considered he was over-reacting , that he was blaming her for his own inability to work today .
7 But he was doing it for his little girl , his Karen , and for her mother , his wife Ruthie .
8 Vainly she tried to pull away , but he was crushing her beneath his superior weight .
9 He was sitting on the edge of the table and was regarding her with his steady blue gaze .
10 And so Willi was squeezing himself into his best suit , the one he wore for daytime ceremonial occasions , and had spattered himself lavishly with aftershave cologne , and spent a long time arranging the frill of curls round his bald crown .
11 When the roaring giant of a tube train came , the fag sucker suddenly withdrew his double-buckled shoes from the concrete and became a little scuttling pixie to compete with all the other scuttling pixies , but managed a further quick change to a hunched-up half-shut-marble-eyed frowny scowling monkey as he took his tense unrest out on the floor of the tube train that was carrying him to his necessary employment .
12 When he came back he was carrying something in his left hand .
13 On Sunday 18 April , Dave was preparing himself for his first ever parachute jump to raise money for charity [ and to overcome his own fear of heights and aeroplanes ] when he heard that the jump had been cancelled due to bad weather .
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