Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj -er] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The elections were conducted under a new electoral law passed by the NUP-controlled Assembly in October 1989 , under which additional seats were given to the larger parties , thus allowing them to gain the maximum number of seats with the minimum of votes .
2 The only parts of her anatomy with any feeling in them were the parts that were pressed against the harder parts of Guido .
3 The northern industrial regions , in contrast , were dominated by the older sectors which had been the basis of earlier expansion .
4 Two of them , Pompeii and Herculaneum , which were located on the lower flanks of Vesuvius , were particularly badly shaken by the shocks , and some damage was done , but the townspeople were not especially alarmed .
5 Before Antony Licata styled the alternative look , dashes of golden copper lights were added to the longer areas at the top and sides .
6 But Owen 's bowmen were swarming along the higher shoulders of Bryn Glas and shooting down upon them , and upon the struggling men-at-arms ; and they had the advantage of better positions and better sighting , and skill and marksmanship at least equal .
7 Even before 1905 a large minority and probably even a majority of their members were drawn from the lower classes .
8 It is clear , too , that although most of the Londoners involved were drawn from the poorer classes of society , matters were complicated by factions in the city government .
9 In the late 1640s , the pre-civil war church was officially proscribed , and its liturgical ceremonies were replaced by the starker services of the Presbyterian Directory of Public Worship .
10 In my opinion , the sooner that we return to serious discussion about the government of the Province , and about the other considerations that were invested in the earlier talks , the better the people of Northern Ireland will be served .
11 Problems in providing efficient training were encountered in the remoter areas where adequate facilities were hard to find .
12 On this occasion they were accompanied over the later stages by Pagon and Sellwood , the two British ladies ' K1s , also bringing up the rear of their class .
13 Also , although some of the demands which had been made in 1381 were echoed in the later risings , in none of them was there anything so clear-cut in the way of a social programme as the demands put forward at Mile End and Smithfield .
14 For a long while , Dave was second only to Johnny Byrne among our post-war goalscorers though , of course , all but a handful of ‘ Budgie 's ’ goals were scored in the lower divisions .
15 Yet all other bishoprics were surpassed by the greater monasteries — Glastonbury , Ely , Bury St Edmund 's , and St Augustine 's Canterbury .
16 These differences were associated with a higher CSI ( 1.44 ( 0.33 ) v 1.13 ( 0.14 ) , p<0.05 ) and a greater vesicular cholesterol distribution ( 19.7 ( 11.9 ) v 4.4 ( 1.4 ) % , p<0.01 ) in the patients with cholesterol gall stones than the gall stone free patients .
17 Lining us up on the waste ground behind our barrack block , he had made the original offenders climb a pine tree until their bodies were jammed in the lower branches .
18 Air miles to Australia were suggested to the richer members of both clans : why could n't the happy couple honeymoon in Brighton ?
19 In Sewell 's time the course of instruction , lasting generally for two sessions of nine months each , was given in the cooler months of the year , the brief viva voce examinations qualifying for entry to the Royal College 's diploma examinations being held in the unsuitable surroundings of the Freemasons ' tavern .
20 Although Abadia was respected by the lower ranks , his appointment was understood to have caused widespread resentment amongst senior officers who interpreted it as a breach of the seniority rule , hitherto strictly adhered to .
21 When this logic was applied to the lower ranks of the armed forces it also carried the gloss that these men were less capable of intellectual control , being more animal and closer to nature .
22 The harshness of those living-conditions , with the special emphasis on working-class housewives having to feed , clothe and generally look after a large family , was reflected by the lower standards of living , the deprivations all around , widespread poverty , with few families ever having experienced the beneficial effects of a holiday in the country or at the sea-side .
23 Stone or marble was used for the lower parts of the walls , the upper being of sun-dried brick and timber .
24 In all cases the broken ore was allowed to fall about the girls ' feet from where it was shovelled by the younger boys and girls and wheeled to the respective piles or hoppers , At all stages waste was thrown aside ready for tramming or barrowing to the spoil heaps .
25 Preston was founded during the later stages of the Anglo-Saxon invasions and the name means ‘ Priest Town ’ .
26 Appliances like cookers and water heaters tended to be used at off-peak times , but the use of electric fires was concentrated on the colder times in winter which coincided with system peak demand .
27 Most of the growth was concentrated in the later decades of the nineteenth century and still more in the first years of the twentieth .
28 Certainly Cade 's assumption of the name Mortimer , by which he was known in the earlier stages of the revolt , hints at Yorkist connections .
29 * A small mound ( roughly ‘ T ’ -shaped ? ) of damp sand was made to raise the ball off the ground ( if required ) , for the first shot on every hole and a box of sand for this purpose was located on what was known in the earlier days as the teeing ground , but is now known as the tee , or tee box .
30 Since ballooning was invented by the Montgolfier brothers more than two hundred years ago the sport has changed .
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