Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Jesus waved in the direction of one of the stalls where fish were arranged on beds of ice .
2 In common with Descartes , Boyle developed a mechanical philosophy in which the properties of bodies and the interactions between them were explained in terms of material particles and their motions .
3 Indeed , if local authorities were listed in terms of expenditure , 89 authorities would appear amongst the top 500 British companies .
4 When the court 's judgement was reviewed by the Armed Forces Ruling Council ( AFRC ) , Nigeria 's principal decision-making body , on Oct. 31 , however , the death sentences were commuted to terms of life imprisonment .
5 But , in a sinister turn of events , firemen were stoned by gangs of youths as they tried to deal with several out-of-control bonfires on Merseyside .
6 Portions were given in scraps of paper and eaten with the fingers , the locals expertly peeling a boiled potato like a squirrel with a nut .
7 In military terms the imperial era came to an end when the last British troops were withdrawn from East of Suez in 1972 , but politically it had ended sixteen years earlier at Suez .
8 Charges of government mismanagement were compounded by reports of corruption among food wholesalers , lorry owners and trawlermen .
9 Those who eschewed colour and decoration , like Spurgeon , and built what were really mammoth meeting-houses with a Greek front , were criticized for lack of taste and for concentrating too much on the preacher .
10 ‘ At Darlington county court in 1991 , 565 homes were repossessed for non-payment of mortgages , ’ the report says .
11 This is partly because fishing rights erm were written in erm to the , to the European Community system erm as part of in a sense the agricultural policy , erm because they were regarded as part of food policy , and it was thought that you must have , if you 're going to have a common agricultural policy , and that was one of the important points erm of the negotiations for setting up the European Community , then a common fisheries policy went alongside with that .
12 By the early ninth century at the latest , the kings of the first dynasty of Gwynedd were regarded as descendants of Cunedda from Manau Gododdin ( the plain of the Votadini between the Rivers Avon and Carron ) in the territory of the Votadini ( HB ch. 62 ) .
13 New words and phrases entered the language of education : open plan buildings no longer had classrooms , they had home bases or teaching areas ; the maths bay became a resource area ; teachers worked in teams ; the timetable was replaced by a continually renegotiable programme ; staff rooms were regarded as places of retreat but parents ' rooms were essential .
14 In France , but not apparently in Vienna , the latter were regarded as flowers of death .
15 Almost everywhere the Japanese soldiers were received with shouts of Banzai : the Japanese made much of the Jayabhaya prophecy and most Indonesians believed that now they would be free .
16 The Attorney-General has no statutory right to preview programmes or to see transcripts or articles in draft , and if the rule against prior restraint were honoured in breach of confidence cases he would have to await publication before deciding whether the public interest required action .
17 All six patients with active cytomegalovirus infection were treated with infusions of foscarnet .
18 The genera Ophialcaea and Ophiotreta were treated as subgenera of Ophiacantha by Mortensen ( 1936 ) and Fell ( 1960 ) , but H. L. Clark ( 1915 ) and Koehler ( 1922 , 1931 ) considered them to be of generic rank , a treatment followed here pending future study on the generic boundaries in this subfamily .
19 Small farms were assigned to sons of noblemen and promising warriors , on condition they reported annually for military service .
20 The coffee bar saw thirteen young people converted during the year , who were baptised on profession of faith .
21 On Sept. 21 , the participants were joined by representatives of PICC members , including Japan .
22 As rapid rapair ( restitution ) of injured gastric mucosa takes place only if the damage is non-haemorrhagical , the stomachs were exposed to concentrations of ethanol that caused haemorrhagical damage in less than 10% of the glandular mucosa .
23 At the Council in the Marches of Wales one or two of the judges were tainted by charges of corruption .
24 Many of those first placed in charge of rural posts proved unsuitable , and were dismissed for abuse of power .
25 The reputation of Vertus 's richly perfumed still red wines goes back to the fourteenth century ; in the seventeenth century these wines were favoured by William of Orange .
26 In the report members of the police were accused of acting illegally and it was suggested that they were biased in favour of Inkatha .
27 On this and the following day , over 300 sorties were flown as part of preparations for the US Marine invasion of Tulagi and two smaller nearby islands .
28 Looking back over Pearson 's historical review , it is hard to believe that Britain 's cities are any more perilous today than those of pre-industrial times , or when they were frequented by gangs of Garotters and Hooligans .
29 Baba Yaga came in , and her eyes were gleaming like coals of fire .
30 They were interspersed with rows of vines , whose high branches must have made the harvest very hard work .
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