Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Expected numbers for each sector were calculated by multiplying the five year age specific population of each sector in different calendar periods ( see below ) by the corresponding Scottish incidence rates for these diseases .
2 Standardised registration ratios were calculated by expressing the observed number of cases as a percentage of the expected number , the expected number being calculated by applying the national age specific rates for each five year age group to the number of people in the population being considered .
3 In the wave of revulsion that followed , priests in the Temple were coerced into abolishing the official sacrifices to Rome and to the Emperor — an overt challenge which rendered open war inevitable .
4 For all those reasons I am satisfied that although the justices plainly were very concerned and believed that this was the right course to take , I do not think they were justified in refusing the local authority 's application for an interim care order .
5 In this case I am satisfied that the doctors were justified in disregarding the written instructions of Miss T. and of treating her on the basis of an emergency .
6 It seems that Hunter 's observations on thrombosis in veins were supplemented by noting the local effect of phlebotomy in the horse .
7 Mr Lamont insisted that the Conservatives were committed to helping the poorest families over VAT on domestic fuels .
8 The free and protein bound leucine in the tissue biopsies were separated by pulverising the frozen tissue , homogenising in 0.2 M HClO 4 at 4°C and centrifuging at 2800 g for 20 minutes .
9 Munro said : ‘ We were looking at finding the right outdoor follow-up to our Loch Lomond concert of 1991 , and were considering various options when the Fleadh approached us .
10 But the Czech crisis of September 1938 , which took Europe to the brink of war , did produce the kind of public response which popular frontists were looking for to transform the political situation .
11 At the same time , during the 1950s and 1960s , great advances were made in determining the molecular structures of RNA and DNA , and in recognizing their functions in controlling the activities of living cells , including the power to reproduce themselves and to become immune to infecting organisms .
12 Even though the prices of many of the goods which were used in constructing the retail price index were subject to government control , the official consumer price index increased between January 1970 and September 1973 by 119 per cent and , using this same index , the official rate of inflation in the fourth quarter of 1973 was over 500 per cent .
13 Roughly how many kilometres of steel rails , besides engines and rolling stock , do you think were needed for building the Indian railways ?
14 When process of care measures were reanalysed after excluding the 21 patients who were referred back to the hospital clinic other than through the prompting system , all process of care measures in table IV remained more frequent in the prompted subgroup ( n=65 prompted subjects ) .
15 In a recent case in which the courts were called upon to construe the ambiguous expression ‘ land includes land covered by water ’ in the Rights of Way Act 1932 , the House of Lords , upholding the trial judge and reversing the Court of Appeal , held that the Act did not cover the creation of rights of navigation .
16 The latest volume of the magisterial History of English Criminal Law ( Radzinowicz and Hood , 1986 , vol. 5 ) shows that criminologists at the turn of the century were vexed with explaining the puzzling phenomenon of English success in conquering routine crime and violence .
17 The mean times to ulcer healing were calculated for patients exposed to different risk factors , and the combined effects of the clinically relevant risk factors were assessed by calculating the two , four , and eight week healing rates and the mean times to healing in the presence of increasing numbers of risk factors .
18 Is it not time that the Government stood up and were counted by telling the Turkish Government to remove their troops from occupied Cyprus and saying that if they do not do so the British Government will veto any attempt by Turkey to join the EC ?
19 Meanwhile , talks were continuing on opening the Japanese market to foreign producers of lumber , the third area where Japan had already been cited under " Super 301 " , and where punitive tariffs were due to be introduced on June 16 , 1990 .
20 The data were entered by using the scientific information retrieval program and analysed on SPSS/PC+ .
21 The Government possessed no legal power to close down this paper , nor indeed any other paper at this time : its powers were restricted to refusing the initial registration of a paper , and Ulimwengu was registered .
22 They praised publishers for the work they were doing in making the national curriculum manageable , for example by relating content to attainment targets .
23 During a long process of assimilation , the means were found for reinvesting the physical world with spiritual significance .
24 Yet for all that , the charge eagerly made against us was that the Government were set on abolishing the National Health Service and ‘ privatizing ’ health care .
25 Spots were read with the densitometer scanner at 360 nm and the phospholipid classes were quantified by comparing the densitometric values with standard curves of each phospholipid class ( Fig 3 ) .
26 Point estimates for the relative risks were computed by using the observed to expected ratios in the individual exposure groups .
27 From this information , alternative letter strings were generated by combining the alternative letters .
28 This was pre-eminently the case where the Area Boards were united in opposing the Central Authority or the Government ( as on the Clow differential ) , though Citrine was more willing to give in to such pressure on matters where he respected the Board Chairmen 's views , such as tariffs , than on matters where he was determined to impose his own , as in labour relations .
29 Aye , work study , getting my minutes caught in there cos there was , er but at the time I left there they was doing a lot of shifting about and they were talking about shutting the old sewing .
30 As an example of the use to which these options were put in deciding the future lines of investigation in the project , it quickly became apparent by computing improved pictures over a range of plant ages and displaying the changes , that the measure of the changes was never likely to be large , and that the changes were not all in one direction .
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