Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [verb] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An old and enduring model of sexual difference , developed most powerfully and resiliently by Galen in the second century AD , had stressed the homologous nature of male and female reproductive organs ; women were said to have the same genitals as men , only inside rather than outside .
2 During the first half of the century efforts were made to extend the same technique to the various kinds of animals as well as plants , so that naturalists had access to a vast body of information about the geographical distribution of living things .
3 Sibelius and Stenhammar were shown setting the same text ( The Girl returned from meeting her lover ) with Stenhammar providing a sharp , sweet , highly contrasted little folkloric scena complete with sad introductory Schubertian piano tune .
4 Since both of us were going to meet the same plane , one of us was definitely going the wrong way .
5 The mutant enzymes were found to give the same ratio ( data not shown ) .
6 Five angraecoid species were found to share the same pollinator , Panogena lingens , but ethological and mechanical mechanisms apparently restrict interspecific pollination despite mixed pollen loads .
7 Former athletes who took no further exercise were found to have the same risk factor for a heart attack as those who had never been active .
8 It follows criticism that the authorities were failing to provide the same level of help for drug users which is available outside prison .
9 Where possible , data items were cross checked against one another and the establishments were asked to clarify the few inconsistencies that arose .
10 So many of the stories were wild exaggerations , inflamed by a number of factors — the ‘ culture contact ’ between rural and urban society , personal resentment ( particularly if two women were forced to share the same kitchen ) , the strangeness of the whole situation at the start of a frightening new war , or simply as Angus Calder put it the English tendency to confuse manners with morals .
11 Section 20(1) ( iv ) was the model for the definition of theft and ‘ appropriate ’ was intended to bear the same meaning .
12 To test the first possibility P(A) was calculated using the same procedure as before but this time for individual subjects rather than stimuli .
13 No such luck I 'm afraid for a car swindler who 's been gaoled for two years after he was caught boarding the same holiday flight as his victim .
14 was designed to replace the former system of emergency grants for special needs for such items as cookers and clothing , which were dispensed under a variety of rules .
15 A third approach was considered to exhibit the least disadvantages .
16 It was decided to withdraw the same charges against former Prime Minister Zaid al-Rifai and former Finance Minister Hanna Awdah .
17 I was going to say the same thing .
18 It was a surprise to find that she was beginning to feel the same way about it herself .
19 His daughter was fated to face the same problem .
20 In contrast to these results , Slobin and Welsh found that a child was able to imitate one of her own utterances immediately after she had produced it spontaneously , but that errors occurred when the child was asked to imitate the same utterance some minutes later .
21 61% of the sample would be not at all concerned if a mentally handicapped child was allowed to attend the same school as their child
22 The Roots , a drawing done at about the same time as Sorrow , was conceived quite deliberately as a companion piece , He paired them because he was trying to say the same thing in both .
23 Last night , Sam had tried to manipulate Clare , and now her grandmother was trying to do the same thing on his behalf .
24 To determine whether acute smoking has an acute effect on gastric secretion that can explain the findings of the chronic studies , the effect of this on gastric secretion was studied using the same methods as those used in the chronic studies of Whitfield and Hobsley .
25 In the second investigation , a general collocation dictionary was tested using the same document .
26 The OALD was indexed using the same technique as that applied to the CED , and used as the source of definitions by the overlap program .
27 This beautiful long-haired tortoiseshell kitten was chosen to symbolise the many kittens and cats rescued by the R.S.P.C.A. each year .
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