Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Three of these were of the same size as those in the front compartment : the other three were no more than five feet in length .
2 The houses here were of the same structure as the mean buildings where Hari lived but the properties were well maintained , the outsides freshly painted , the windows gleaming with cleanliness and hung with rich drapes .
3 To achieve it he had to work on individuals , exploiting relationships which were not open , public ones : he could not have called a meeting to appeal to everyone 's obligations as a relative by descent and by marriage , as if these were of the same kind as those of a citizen , an Arab or a Muslim .
4 He trusted Marian and Allen because they were of the same kind as himself — children .
5 The activities of the chains , however , meant that only a third of the mornings still published in 1988 were in the same ownership as in 1945 .
6 ‘ You see , ’ he went on as though they had been talking all afternoon , ‘ I had no idea until this morning that you were in the same state as I. ’
7 Advocates of localization were in the same position as the explorers of the sixteenth century ; they knew there was something out there but they did n't know where it was or what it might look like .
8 Their contract had come to an end ( see Chapter 14 , Frustration , below ) and they were in the same position as any other free seamen in Port Philip : ‘ they might stipulate for any amount of remuneration ; and , considering the circumstances , £40 might not have been an exorbitant sum ’ — per Erle J.
9 Both were from the same village as Mr Shahiduddin Postman ; both had managed to get educated and to break out of the village on to the lower rungs of academia .
10 At present , climate patterns — including the 0.3C to 0.6C increase in air temperature over the past 100 years — were on the same scale as natural variations .
11 If the Arab Palestinians who saw in the Nazis some hope of preventing Jewish immigration into Palestine were on the same level as the SS , were not those Palestinians who oppose Israel today equally guilty ?
12 Problems arise when we come to consider the smaller centres , such as Arkhanes ; could they have had territories which were on the same footing as those of the major temple-centres ?
13 Three people ( GF , MM , and MS ) lived in houses which were on the same site as other residential facilities ( called ‘ campus ’ houses in the remainder of this paper ) .
14 When he discovered Blur were on the same label as Jesus Jones — with whom he shares the same management — Stephen ‘ put a word through ’ expressing his admiration .
15 Smith , Gregg and Andrews ( 1989 ) devised the following ranking of selection methods with respect to their predictive validity : graphology and astrology were at the same level as chance prediction , references and interviews were a little higher , then structured interviews , then biodata , personality tests and assessment centres for performance , then ability tests and work sample tests and finally , at the highest level , assessment centres for promotion .
16 Interestingly , his poor showing was for the same reason as that of much of the European contingent .
17 There were so many children that each one of the mothers and nursemaids thought that he must belong to somebody else , but as he was about the same size as the children and not much different to look at , he was able to make friends with some of them .
18 He was about the same height as his wife but he looked stooped now , and he was wearing a dressing-gown ; normally he was the epitome of tweedy country-squiredom , an archetypal laird in three-piece suit , clumpy shoes , checked shirt and cap ; he resorted to a beaten-up , much reproofed Barbour when the weather turned particularly foul .
19 ‘ I felt I could do that with you , but it was more difficult with her — partly because she was about the same age as me probably . ’
20 She was about the same age as his own daughter but she looked as if she had the troubles of the world on her .
21 He was only about four when he died and I think it was totally unexpected , because I believe that the doctor who had tended him had remarked previously that he wished his own son , who was about the same age as Thomas Isaac , had been as robust .
22 The hijacker was about the same age as him , but not so big .
23 Charles was about the same age as Richie and had something of the same military bearing .
24 Apart from the deliberate references to Theodoric and Charlemagne , which are intended to show that Frederick Barbarossa was of the same mould as these great heroes , the description of the Kaiserslauten palace is especially interesting .
25 It seemed inconceivable that he was of the same race as the two vibrancers sitting near him ; inconceivable , too , that they shared his art .
26 He wrote a preface to David Jones 's In Parenthesis in which he noted the fact that Jones was of the same generation as Pound and himself ; he also wrote a preface to Lewis 's One-Way Song and described him as one of those who had been falsely labelled by " the Messenmensch " as a fascist but nevertheless chose " to walk alone " .
27 This observed acidification was greatest in the lakes at high elevation and was of the same magnitude as the current precipitation acidity in the region , that is pH 4.2 ( or 63 u eq/l ) , although mountain-top locations are frequently enveloped in cloud and mist characterized by very low pH values ( e.g. pH 3.6 or 250 u eq/l ) .
28 The greatcoat was of the same colour as the tunic , with gold-piped collar , red-faced lapels , and five pairs of gold buttons .
29 The Danish government was of the same opinion as regards the registration of ships in general .
30 The moquette was of the same design as used by the UndergrounD Group ( q.v . ) .
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