Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [adv] that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We were glad enough that the weather seemed set fair for the remainder of our voyage and next morning set off on the last few miles of our northerly course to round the utmost tip of Shetland .
2 The UCD [ Union of the Democratic Centre under the leadership of Adolfo Suárez ] government consented to things which were not totally justified but which were necessary so that the mass of the workers could see that the country had changed and that dialogue was beginning .
3 In this particular case many more than 3,800 papers were transferable so that the value of each paper was less than .01 and therefore no transfers could be made .
4 In my elevated state I was afraid only that the cop might search us and discover the Dexedrine in Dana 's pocket .
5 Jonathan Ram was our ancestor , and I was sure then that the Worm fed off his hatred .
6 It was logical enough that the Minister for the Army should be a soldier , General Varela ; but the choice of another military man , Colonel Juan Beigbeder y Atienza , rather than a diplomat , as Foreign Minister gives a revealing insight into how Franco thought foreign policy should be conducted .
7 Athelstan was pleased then that the coroner had accompanied them .
8 She was worried then that the attacker might strike again .
9 It was bad enough that the anniversary of my David 's death was only a few days away .
10 He went back to his hotel for lunch and was surprised now that the conference had ended to find a good crowd in the dining-room , which was open to non-residents .
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