Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [prep] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thirteen patients did not enter the study : two did not want to , two were pregnant at the time of colposcopy , and nine were not treated in accordance with the study protocol ( no cervical scrape or no biopsy specimen was taken or no treatment was given when the biopsy specimen showed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ) .
2 Between 1680 and 1800 the proportion of brides who were pregnant at the time of their wedding grew from 15 to 35 per cent and the illegitimacy ratio rose from 1·5 to 5 per cent .
3 None of the patients were pregnant at the time of the study or had taken any drug which could potentially interfere with gall bladder motility .
4 Of the 18 patients who were alive at the time of the 1988 report , 14 patients ( 11 men and three women , mean age 48 years ) were alive and well in 1992 at a mean ( range ) of 69 ( 61–83 ) months after transplantation .
5 While 42 ( 69 per cent ) interviewees had worked at some time or other , the overwhelming majority ( 89 per cent ) were unemployed at the time of interview .
6 Package APCK3 and all its modules were offline at the time of the listing .
7 ‘ You were ill at the time to some extent , but you were a businessman and must have known what you were doing , paying substantial sums of money yourself . ’
8 Lenghaus performed autopsies on nine cetaceans , of which seven were ill at the time of death .
9 No evidence of H pylori infection or mucosal inflammation were present at the time of reinvestigation .
10 Patients were drawn from the outpatient service of the University Department of Medicine , Hope Hospital , Salford and comprised 38 disease control subjects and 65 patients with proved gluten sensitivity , of whom 32 were untreated at the time of study .
11 Dr Ward has spoken of the potential effects on children who were unborn at the time of the incident .
12 A quarter of his adult male informants and nearly two thirds of married females said they were virgin at the time of marriage .
13 Of those councillors who were twin-tracking at the time of the Widdicombe Committee , 58 per cent were teachers or lecturers , 12 per cent were manual workers , 16 per cent were in professional jobs ( social workers , planners and so on and 14 per cent were administrators ( Widdicombe Research , Vol. iii:34 ) .
14 Locke 's belief in the relevance of reason to religion and morality , and his claim that salvation can be won on its basis alone , were common from the time of the Restoration into the eighteenth century .
15 Details of Hector 's history were obscure at the time of writing .
16 You cover the parts listed on pages two and three , which is engine , gearbox , erm differential , prop shaft , brakes , electrical , etc. , but that 's qualified by the fact that you do n't cover any parts which were faulty at the time of purchase , or inherent faults at the time of purchase ,
17 The mean ( SD ) ages of the patients positive , 20.1 ( 7.9 ) months , and negative , 29.4 ( 16.1 ) months , to oral challenge were comparable at the time of the provocation ; the difference of 9.3 months with 95% confidence interval of ( -0.2 , 18.8 ) was statistically not significant .
18 The classifications and quality commendations that appear in entries in this guide were correct at the time of going to press .
19 All prices were correct at the time of going to press .
20 All interest rates and lending criteria were correct at the time of going to press but readers should check with the lenders for the latest up-to-the-minute information .
21 The prices contained in this brochure were valid at the time of publication ( October 1991 ) .
22 During the next twenty months Mozart composed a substantial amount of music , including three symphonies and what was to be his last complete mass setting , K.337 ( an incomplete one survives , K.427/417a from 1782 , and the Requiem was unfinished at the time of his death ) .
23 But his profession was deficient at the time in that he failed to recognise the necessity of suffering .
24 The glucose level was normal for the time of day , and everyone was pleased .
25 However , said Mr Hardy , the road was wet at the time of the accident and the officer 's report said the speed involved was probably ‘ only marginally excessive ’ .
26 He also succeeded a pope , Celestine III , who was 85 at the time of his election and therefore over ninety at the time of his death .
27 St Mary 's chose to perform The Nativity , which was appropriate for the time of the year .
28 In experiments on the colon ( colonic transit ) , one cannula was positioned in the postcaecal portion of the colon ; a second cannula was placed in the most distal part of the colon that was accessible at the time of laparotomy .
29 I was ill at the time of the scholarship examination , however , and did not take it .
30 I was ill at the time with the ague but I remember the verdict being recorded .
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