Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [verb] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The big show-piece cinemas were built to pull in the fashionable trade but they were not designed for the exclusive use of a social elite ; rather they were provided for all those groups who were prepared to pay money for the movie entertainment that was being provided as part of the delights offered by the down-town city .
2 Who thinks they were able to collect information for the survey ?
3 Cutting was mostly carried out with a scythe although a few were able to hire machinery for the purpose .
4 MacArthur was concerned to apply science for the benefit of industry and humanity , but was unwilling to endure the politics of international business .
5 He shrugged off suggestions that he was keen to quit politics for the City .
6 But previous to that Linda had said that she was terrified to get Lego for the little boy .
7 The salary paid to the collector by the county for his efforts to extract the cess from the taxpayers , moreover , was sufficient to stimulate competition for the post , and the attraction was enough on occasion to cause severe embarrassment to county politicians , who feared that support for one candidate would lead to the permanent alienation of his rivals and their friends .
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