Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] during [art] first [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Kuwait intervention , though important to the Defence policy-makers , was of little consequence to the political departments , whose mandarins were immersed during the first half of 1961 in two major debates : how to handle the Anglo-American special relationship after Kennedy had taken over as US President in January ; and whether or not to put less emphasis on Anglo-American and Commonwealth links by applying belatedly to join the EEC .
2 Siemens has no dates yet for them but their orientation certainly suggests they were built during the first centuries AD .
3 Last year foxes were unusually abundant and 27 were shot during the first week of lambing .
4 In a study , again in Costa Rica , the vegetation biomass , nutrient content and species composition were measured during the first year after clear-cutting of plots , some of which were treated with commercial inorganic fertilizer ( 70kg N , 87.5kg P and 166kg K per hectare ) while others were planted with the pioneering Cecropia obtusifolia , as seedlings .
5 Both these works were played during the first Tilford Bach Festival after which William Mann reviewing the concert in the Times wrote ‘ such a Festival in such a place does Bach signal homage ’ .
6 At first the allowance was £10 for each child under sixteen years of age , but this and the income limit were raised during the First World War , and later , in 1919 , the age limit for the child was abolished provided he or she was still in full-time education .
7 The view in this paper is that the sense of disillusionment many people were experiencing during the first year of the war resulted from an over-valuation of man 's nature , and an attempt to deny the reality of death for people one loved .
8 These earliest faces and the French versions of them , which were derived during the first half of the 16th century by type-founders such as Garamond , remain the models for most type-faces .
9 Many of the wagons , dating back to the late nineteenth century , were requisitioned during the First World War and purchased , from R.N.A.D. Bandeath on its closure , by the S.R.P.S.
10 Merrill 's forebodings about working for Luke were fulfilled during the first morning .
11 Where a certificate was transferred during the first half-year of its currency , and renewal of the transfer was refused at the October meeting , so that for its second half-year the certificate was in abeyance , the original holder , who resumed occupation of the premises and recommenced business , was held to have been rightly convicted of trafficking without a certificate : Miller v. Linton ( 1885 ) 15 R. ( J. ) 37 .
12 Visited by 1,617,556 people , the house was exhibited during the first year of the Wembley Exhibition between April and November 1924 .
13 A settlement was reached during the first sitting of the court .
14 Another form of child allowance was introduced during the first World War .
15 Loch Doon was jilted during the First World War ; there were plans to build an important sea-plane base there , but after the expenditure of some £500,000 , the ill-conceived scheme was abandoned .
16 Thirty years ago they built seven homes in the village for war veterans , in memory of the present owner 's great uncle , who was killed during the First World War .
17 In this instance the fieldwork was conducted during the first period of Margaret Thatcher 's administration .
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