Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] up by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A square vessel and parts of other domestic articles of wood were found about eight feet down in a peat moss at Strathmore , near Gruinart , and bones of a fifteen years old girl and a cow horn were turned up by the same peat diggers .
2 There were only half a dozen sergeants in the mess , but the numbers were made up by the civilian engineers who worked on the project .
3 But if these light rays were swallowed up by the black hole , then they could not have been on the boundary of the black hole .
4 This being a self-acting incline the empty trucks were dragged up by the full ones , the long chain or rope to which they were linked , passing , of course , around the sheaved wheel the stanchions for which are still to be seen .
5 Some interesting names were called up by the Welsh selectors .
6 Early in 1942 two committees were set up by the Central Housing Advisory Committee to report to the Minister of Health ( the minister responsible for housing ) on the question of post-war housing rebuilding .
7 He said he had met Mounsey in prison and believed they were set up by the same gang of traffickers in Bangkok .
8 The immediate moves by Britain , France , Italy and others to freeze Kuwaiti assets following the invasion , together with the strong endorsement by Thatcher ( currently visiting the USA ) of the US call for sanctions , were followed up by the rapid adoption of sanctions by EC member countries , participation by the UK in the US-led multinational force , the dispatch also of French helicopter-borne troops , and decisions by several European countries to send naval vessels .
9 I lost , of course , hardly surprising since the elections were carved up by the various political groups , most of which I did n't even know existed .
10 Bank managers and accountants tried to depress Finch , but for all the limbo he was in , his spirits were kept up by the strongest curiosity to see what would happen next .
11 Next morning at ‘ stand-to' ’ there were the usual reports of wounded which were backed up by the increased activity of the jeeps carrying the casualties to the rear , among them several Airborne troops .
12 Although their American peers used mainly American guitars , these were expensive if available at all in Europe , which meant that home-grown lookalikes were snapped up by the hard-up young musos eager to perform — especially if they were reasonably playable in their own right .
13 My work-rate was speeded up by the further drops of rain that fell on me .
14 Although the ex the special allowance was actually withdrawn , but nevertheless , the responsibility for generally dealing with it , was picked up by the local authority .
15 This was made up by the Head Girl mixing together oxide of zinc , glycerine , rosewater , a touch of yellow ochre and methylated spirits , the latter helping to dry it on the legs .
16 This precise and disheartening indictment was drawn up by the late Dr Enid Starkie , Reader Emeritus in French Literature at the University of Oxford , and Flaubert 's most exhaustive British biographer .
17 The programme for the first year was drawn up by the three partners during a week-long visit to Fife .
18 AS A writer , Robert Louis Stevenson may have borne the stamp of greatness but after the world-renowned Scot was sized up by the Royal Mail it seems Britain 's letters may never bear a stamp of RLS .
19 At Grange Park , Hampshire , built c .1670 for the lawyer , Sir Robert Henley , Samwell 's house was swallowed up by the neo-classical remodelling by William Wilkins [ q.v. ] , but despite alterations and the threat of demolition , the shell of his house substantially survives , concealed within the later work .
20 The purpose of course-work assessment in the GCSE was summed up by the Secondary Examination Council 's 1985 publication : the overall aim was ‘ to make what is important measurable , not what is measurable important ’ .
21 The Progressive Policy Institute was set up by the Democratic Leadership Council , which is on the right wing of the Democratic Party .
22 The National Working Party was set up by the federal government in 1988 to encourage the fair and accurate portrayal of women in the media .
23 A special committee was set up by the Supreme Council to register deserters in order to try to ensure their legal protection .
24 Thus it was Floridablanca , a stiff bureaucrat , who planned the road system radiating from Madrid , the completion of which was to be the achievement of Isabelline liberalism ; indeed , the fate of the Corps of Road Engineers , set up in the eighteenth century , was bound up with the fate of liberalism itself ; dismantled by Ferdinand VII it was set up by the Liberal Revolution in 1820 ; dissolved in the reaction of 1823 , it was re-established by liberals in 1834 .
25 As early as 1955 a CAB sub-committee was set up by the national committee to consider hire purchase problems as seen by bureaux all over the country and by other voluntary organisations with experience of families in difficulty ; and in addition to recommendations about trade practices , about possible action by local authorities , and other things , which were sent to the appropriate associations or government departments , the deliberations of the committee produced results which were to have an influence on the trend and standing of much CAB work in the future .
26 To this end the Object-Oriented Cobol Task Group was set up by the American National Standards Institution in 1990 and will report back sometime this year with recommendations that will eventually find their way into the next version of ANSI Cobol around 1997 .
27 In the same year in the UK the Review Committee on Education for Information Use , which was set up by the British Library Research and Development Department ( BLR&DD ) in 1974 , was recommending that :
28 This was set up by the Fair Trade Foundation which you were asking about , .
29 Immediately after the elections a subcommittee was set up by the Legislative Assembly to study the proposals , but progress was for the time being halted , after objections from the Chinese government , as reported in the Far Eastern Economic Review of Sept. 21 , 1989 .
30 In this article , Veronica Hanson describes a scheme that was set up by the Welsh Pre-school Playgroups Association ( PPA ) to encourage the integration into local playgroups of children who experience difficulties in learning .
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