Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] up [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 On 26 December , 114 Lower Church Street and adjoining properties which had been leased to W. A. Reeves , the furnisher , since the offices were given up by the South Metropolitan Company , were sold to him .
2 The two men were picked up on the Ross ice shelf , about 350 miles from the coastal camp at Scott base which was their original target .
3 Tatham also represented investors who were caught up in the Farrington Stead collapse .
4 During January 1989 , for example , over 500 bottlenose dolphins were washed up on the Atlantic coast of France .
5 Quite a number of them were turning up at the BBC and the harassed receptionist was heard to say , as she reported the arrival of yet another , ‘ I 'm sorry , where did you say you were king of ? ’
6 With competition becoming intense the first set of Motor Racing rules were drawn up for the Paris-Amsterdam-Paris race of 1898 .
7 National guidelines were drawn up after the Cairngorms tragedy .
8 And then he went on and he landed up in Seattle the time they were going up to the Klondike Gold Rush .
9 Relations between Japan and the USA were bound up with the Gulf crisis [ see above ] , with the USA appearing to want greater financial assistance from Japan ( both for the Gulf operation and for the upkeep of US forces stationed in Japan ) while also seeming unenthusiastic about the prospects of Japan actually deploying forces abroad in any capacity .
10 Their apprehensions were summed up by the New York Age : ‘ As a black champion , he has given the Negro more trouble by his scandals than he did in twenty years as a black tramp ’ ( quoted by Gillmore , 1975 , p.99 ) .
11 Advisory Committees were set up by the NEC on 13 March 1918 in order to help to develop the Party 's policies on a wide range of issues and began to publish reports and statements which added to the corpus of Labour policies .
12 Several silk mills were set up around the Chalford Valley , but the majority made use of the then-vacant woollen mills .
13 One of them bears a close anatomical resemblance to the marble copies we have after the bronze statues of the Tyrannicides by Kritios and Nesiotes which we know were set up in the Agora , the city centre north-west of the Acropolis , in 477 .
14 When allegations that Schnur had worked for the Stasi for at least 20 years were first made on March 9 his denials were supported up by the West German government which said that he had on the contrary been passing information on political repression in East Germany to them .
15 Most of the forms of publicity through print discussed in the first section of this chapter were taken up by the West Indians .
16 Similar themes were taken up in the Collins lecture of 1988 by Richard Francis , Director General of the British Council .
17 IT is five years since 11 civilians were blown up by the IRA bomb at Enniskillen 's Remembrance Day Service .
18 The charges were backed up by the BBC 's Foreign News Editor , John Simpson , who said the film ‘ had no feeling of reality ’ .
19 In his final statements in the Venezuelan capital Caracas , his last stop , Bush repeated the central message of the tour , that a " new age " was opening up for the Americas .
20 I got out of Bullwood Hall on a Tuesday and I was picked up on the Thursday , two days later , for robbery .
21 They discarded the broken spar over the side where it was picked up by the Nippon tender .
22 A report on these ideas appeared in the medical school newsletter and was picked up by the Boston Globe and the New York Times .
23 When the Titanic struck its iceberg , Beesley escaped in the underpopulated Lifeboat 13 , and was picked up by the Carpathia .
24 While it lasted , the Auxiliary did good work , but after the President 's death it declined and eventually was wound up during the Glasgow Congress in 1920 .
25 The idea was that when that was done , on a signal I was to open up with the Breda and shoot up the café .
26 Under the programme , which was drawn up by the EC Commission , Albania was to be given 50,000 tonnes of EC wheat ; further donations amounting to 100,000 tonnes of wheat were to be canvassed from other Western countries .
27 A PUBLIC inquiry is to investigate Armagh area plan which was drawn up by the DoE .
28 Finally , in April , 1988 , an agenda for withdrawal - many would say retreat - was drawn up in the Geneva accords : all 115,000 Soviet troops in Afghanistan would be pulled out by February 15 , 1989 .
29 When Bill was growing up in the Durham of the 1930s , memories of the Great Strike of 1926 were still sharp and vivid among the mining community .
30 Spurs have called reserve team striker John Hendry into the squad , plus Nicky Barmby , who was called up to the England Under-21 squad this week .
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