Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] in [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In common with Descartes , Boyle developed a mechanical philosophy in which the properties of bodies and the interactions between them were explained in terms of material particles and their motions .
2 Indeed , if local authorities were listed in terms of expenditure , 89 authorities would appear amongst the top 500 British companies .
3 Portions were given in scraps of paper and eaten with the fingers , the locals expertly peeling a boiled potato like a squirrel with a nut .
4 The Attorney-General has no statutory right to preview programmes or to see transcripts or articles in draft , and if the rule against prior restraint were honoured in breach of confidence cases he would have to await publication before deciding whether the public interest required action .
5 In the report members of the police were accused of acting illegally and it was suggested that they were biased in favour of Inkatha .
6 The gases were contained in gasbags of indiarubber , oiled silk , or the rubberised waterproof cloth of Macintosh and Hancock .
7 Painful bowel movements assessed by reports of pain complaints , screaming and sweating , presence of an anal fissure or blood on stool were reported in 77% of patients .
8 Once , there were frescoes , mosaics and other techniques which were dropped in favour of oil painting .
9 It should be noted , however , that the group of 27 authorities who had training/development/personnel officers , all of whom were categorized as providing a higher than average amount of training , were varied in size of establishment .
10 The hypothesis was that firms were decentralizing in search of reserves of labour , and probably cheaper labour since wages were likely to be lower in areas with high unemployment ( 1976 , pp. 71 — 4 , 102 ) .
11 A rather unsatisfactory marriage was glorified in his imagination by high-sounding comparisons between himself and Dante , while his largely innocent office romances — which do not appear to have gone much beyond crushes on secretaries — were seen in terms of Launcelot 's devotion to Guinevere and the threatened breaking of the Round Table .
12 The Arabs were seen in terms of oil , the Palestinian problem and terrorism , .
13 She walked out of the cottage where she and Pilade were lodged in charge of Mr Landor and along the road to Siena so that she might see them approach before anyone .
14 Although a handful of poems were written in times of solitude or loneliness , the great bulk of her poetry was written for Freemantle or for other friends .
15 Questions about perceptions were framed in terms of awareness rather than approval , though the partisan nature of the answers often betrayed a lack of objectivity .
16 These churches were built in honour of God and to provide shelter and succour in times of need .
17 Partners in same-sex couples and remarried divorcees were accepted in positions of church leadership .
18 If some special mechanism such as that implicated in the ‘ Now Print ! ’ theory ( Brown and Kulik , 1977 ; Livingston , 1967a 1967b ) were operating in cases of flashbulb memories it is likely that similar findings would have been observed in the eyewitness testimony literature .
19 Allegations by prostitutes of police bribery and unjust and arbitrary exercise of powers of arrest were discounted in favour of evidence from purity workers .
20 Once such displays were interpreted in terms of evolution , the general public could hardly fail to accept the message of the new science .
21 They occupied a surreal world in which those whose commitment , whose ruthlessness , whose fanaticism was greatest commanded most respect ; in which the real concerns of ordinary men and women , of people of flesh and blood , were reduced to abstractions ; in which complex social relations were interpreted in terms of black and white , good and bad , friend and foe .
22 whole of the rugby team were lying in front of stage with their
23 Therapeutic ERCP procedures ( 39 sphincterotomies and 13 endoprostheses placement ) were performed in 18% of patients .
24 were wrapped in bits of calico
25 Warm scents rose from a honeysuckle hedge at Monboddo , the much-changed home of a man who , according to Sir Walter Scott , went out at night with a candle to inspect his turnips growing in the fields ; who , hating to sit behind a horse 's backside , would not travel in a carriage and therefore — he was in his eighties — rode to London on horseback ; who took a cold bath every day and damaged his children 's health by insisting they did the same ; and who , when in residence at Edinburgh , gave dinner parties at which his wine-flagons were wreathed in garlands of roses .
26 Ninety-nine percent of the 193 lots were sold in terms of value .
27 Manufacturers ran up their mills , factories and works on the edge of existing towns , and their workers were housed in streets of terrace-houses built rapidly on the vacant ground all around the factory .
28 Primates and prelates exercised political power most effectively when they were moving in support of magnate opposition ; against united barons they were impotent .
29 She saw it was herself , there on the canvas ; in fact it was so much herself that she could not believe that she could be both people , one here on the studio floor and one sitting there clasping her knees , her eyes lost in faraway visions , her white feet on wet black rocks against which little waves were breaking in plumes of spray .
30 Maori and non-Maori controls were compared in terms of sociodemography , pregnancy , and infant and postnatal factors ( tables I-IV ) .
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