Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] the same [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mice receiving lower mediastinal irradiation ( L ) were given the same dose of radiation to the same sized but adjacent field ( T5-T10 ) .
2 Is n't it time that members standing for C E C elections were given the same equality with Regional Secretaries , who as we all know , all year round , in all regions , when a leaflet or a booklet goes out to members , in most of them there is a photograph of the Regional Secretary .
3 A pair of identical twins of very similar abilities were taught the same topic by teachers of greatly different experience .
4 Yes , oh aye I Yes , we You had to measure , and in those days , the councils were grouped in what they called Assessment Committee Areas , and each were wor making sure the other areas were using the same sort of basis .
5 One particular test at hand for critics is the way Nelson is approached : references to him in the conversation of Aubrey and his fellow officers are natural and appropriate to men who were pursuing the same career at the same date .
6 If , for example , we were to find the same results in the Social Attitudes Survey in the year 2006 , we could assume that these results are conditional upon age .
7 Non-radioactive oligonucleotide duplexes were prepared the same way by mixing 2 pmol each of the complementary strands .
8 Broadly parallel announcements were made the same day in respect of Wales and Scotland .
9 If the painter were to use the same intensity of blue for the sea both near and far then the effect would not be at all realistic .
10 While these groups and individuals may not always have shared our analysis , they were asking the same questions about the link between government claims and reality in relation to job creation and training in West Belfast .
11 On a pure labour law test , on the other hand , it might be said that the fact that the employees were doing the same kind of work on the same machines should be enough to amount to a transfer of a business .
12 On Oct. 26 a further search was made and Wolfgang Pöhl , the party treasurer , and another party official were arrested the same day under suspicion of embezzling party funds .
13 LONG before we started telling naive people to take what they were told with a pinch of salt , the Romans were issuing the same advice in the form of ‘ cum grano salis ’ , which was actually a mild pun .
14 as if she were putting the same reel of film back in the projector , she ran through the whole scene once again : she is speaking to the visitor , Paul is watching them with astonishment , and the guest is saying : ‘ In your next life , do you want to stay together or never meet again ? ’
15 ‘ When we were messing around last year , we were playing the same songs to the same music biz people , ’ asserts softly-spoken guitarist Bernard Butler , softly .
16 One may imagine the furore if the Court of Appeal were to take the same stance in a capital case , a contingency happily remote .
17 Article 5(1) of Council Directive ( 76/207/EEC ) provided that the application of the principle of equal treatment with regard to working conditions , including the conditions relating to dismissal , meant that men and women were guaranteed the same conditions without discrimination on grounds of sex , and the term –dismissal' in that context included retirement in accordance with an employer 's policy .
18 Now what 's happened , what would happen if we were to follow the same type of line there would be that the airfield would stay open as if needed a small commuter airfield .
19 Olive Saunderson and Norman Field met and fell in love in predictably romantic circumstances when the Fields and the Saundersons were guests on board Lord Vestey 's yacht on a cruise to Norway in 1909 They were married the same year in Dublin and returned to England to set up home .
20 I in the past th Granville mentioned these letters that used to work their way down from on high which might have just been a , a bit of a twinkle in somebody 's eye with no money at all to spend on physical work but even so it was given the same status within the R C E's organization of five or ten years ago a a as an investment item was , it was almost authorized .
21 The Beveridge report was to breathe the same spirit of optimism and confidence that long-standing problems could be tackled .
22 Dissident middle-ranking army officers staged a coup attempt in April , which was foiled the same day after heavy fighting [ see p. 37367 ] .
23 I was writing the same songs with the same approach but I thought they were all shit so I never brought them to J or I never tried to play them .
24 Herbert 's career had demonstrated how valuable it was to have a focus for royal efforts in Wales and the council of the prince of Wales was to serve the same purpose in the 1470s .
25 Herbert 's career had demonstrated how valuable it was to have a focus for royal efforts in Wales and the council of the prince of Wales was to serve the same purpose in the 1470s .
26 To make matters worse a discount store had opened in the area and it was selling the same beds at £140 each .
27 She was wearing the same sort of leather harness that the dragonriders had been wearing , but in her case it was much briefer .
28 She was born the same day in 1877 that Alexander Graham Bell launched his first telephone company and became a teacher when just 13 .
29 On Feb. 18 the North suspended the fourth round of Premiers ' talks which had been scheduled for Feb. 25-28 , but agreement was reached the same month on joint sports teams [ see p. 38010 ; see also pp. 38341 ; 38437 ; 38529 ; 38576 ] .
30 ‘ Laurence Taylor died at Stubbylee of Asiatic Cholera , having arrived from Liverpool only on Saturday last ; he was interred the same day at the old Baptist Chapel . ’
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