Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] at [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After an overnight fast , the drugs were given at least 1 h after waking .
2 Daniel 's work in 1974 showed that though 50 per cent of managers and professionals were given at least three months ' notice by their employers , the corresponding proportion for the unskilled was a mere 9 per cent .
3 The mines at Sar-i-Sang were situated at over 8,500 feet and could be operated for only a few months in the year .
4 Because the eccentric labelled spots in the retinae were situated at least 6.5 degrees away from the fovea , all ganglion cells projecting to the enclosed cortical region were included .
5 About 17 per cent were using at least one agency worker and , again , a third of these ( six per cent ) were using a number equivalent to at least five per cent of their labour force .
6 All drugs were stopped at least 48 hours beforehand .
7 Their usual drugs , which were either sulfasalazine or oral 5-aminosalicylicacid ( 5-ASA ) , were stopped at least 48 hours before mucosal biopsy specimens were taken .
8 Any antidiarrhoeal drugs were stopped at least three days before the SeHCAT test .
9 No drugs were permitted at least 48 hours beforehand and during the monitoring .
10 In order to bring you up to date the items were prepared at very short notice .
11 That in fact we were looking at almost two months ' work erm for project engineering , when in fact that scheme would have been condensed down into project engineering .
12 Determinations were made at approximately 50–100 ft ( 15–30 m ) intervals from top Carboniferous to TD in each sampled well ; the minimum amount of section over which measurements were made was 18 ft ( 6 m ) and the maximum was 11240 ft ( 3425 m ) .
13 A mile to the west of Loch Gorm the road to Gruinart cuts through a settlement at An Sithern of about a dozen round houses which were constructed in the late Bronze Age and which a cursory examination has shown that they were used at least three times .
14 The problem of the poorest was that they could not afford such rents as would bring an adequate return for builders and property-owners , unless they were crammed at very high density in properly which received minimal repair .
15 From one analysis of data for 25 developing countries , it was determined that , if all children were born at least two years apart , about one in five infant deaths would be averted .
16 Histologically normal mucosal strips were excised at least 5 cm from the tumour and stored in 70% ethanol .
17 A survey by the waste management company Grundon found that ( i ) incinerators were run at too low temperatures , were overloaded , and produced black smoke ; ( ii ) emission and temperature warning alarms were ignored or switched off ; and ( iii ) storage areas were littered with burst bags , exposing used syringes , dressings and other material .
18 The village children were reading at least some words by the time they were six .
19 Close-ups of atypical naevi were taken at approximately actual size with an adjacent 1 cm scale .
20 Potten et al are the first to point out that their findings are based entirely on the study of patients with colorectal cancer and , although the specimens used were taken at least 5 cm from the primary carcinoma and did not show any unusual histological features , there may be differences with respect to the colonic mucosa of patients without carcinoma .
21 The Conference is the forum where Resolutions which were submitted last December and which were discussed at over 50 District Meetings around the country since then were finally put to the vote of the delegates and , if passed , thereby became a cornerstone of Association policy .
22 In the later years , however , these issues were pitched at optimistically low interest rates : the last BEA issue , of £200 millions in August 1955 ( among the largest seen by the London market ) , was left largely in government hands .
23 His calls were repeated at increasingly frequent intervals .
24 They were burned at least two days after death . ’
25 In general , it was apparent that as far as possible different regions of the country ( with the exception of East Anglia and the South West ) were to gain at least one designation .
26 Ψ40 was formed at relatively low levels when the wt-like tRNA Asp ( mutant a ) was used as substrate ( Fig. 2C and Table I ) .
27 Certainly , all of the groups were unhappy with ( b ) as an ending : in all six reconstructions it was placed at least three sentences from the end .
28 Bernice was gazing at yet another painting in yet another curving corridor .
29 A Mrs J. Minton , who taught conventional art , claimed that owing to the similarity of their names in the London telephone directory she was plagued at least three times a day with telephone calls for John Minton , whose art she did not like , and that open cheques would arrive for him in the post , commissioning pictures and with the note ‘ fill in your own price ’ .
30 An annual report published by HM Inspectorate of Pollution in 1987–88 stated that leakage of methane gas was occurring at around 600 landfill sites situated near buildings in Britain and Wales .
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