Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] for the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You believe we were attacked for the same reason and probably by the same person .
2 Ground improvements and publicity were used for the same purpose , and so that football should reach as wide a public as possible , Chapman persuaded the Examiner to publish a Saturday sports edition , the first issue of which appeared on 10 January , 1925 .
3 Solutions ( 1 mM ) of olsalazine and colchicine ( 10 - 7 M ) were used for the same reason .
4 In the C2 event which followed , Andriev/Haralambie of Romania were disqualified for the same reason , the win going to Papke/Spelly of Germany .
5 The results in table 3.5 were obtained for the same test sentence .
6 I was looking for the same thing yesterday !
7 In March 1940 he was expelled from the Labour Party , and the University Labour Federation , which represented students of Labour sympathies , was disaffiliated for the same reason .
8 Radio and television time was bought for the same purpose .
9 Complete mobilization of the forces was scheduled for the same day — one of those strokes of government that real people marvel at .
10 A way would have to be found by the time of the Edinburgh Summit ( later the Birmingham Summit was introduced for the same purpose ) of providing a form of words ( possibly involving subsidiarity ) which would help the Danes to save face .
11 The integral malt loader was removed for the same treatment and refitted .
12 I make this point after returning from a day 's walking near Ullswater when I was approached by a party of walkers who had followed me for some distance thinking that I was headed for the same destination .
13 It is , therefore , with a sense of mounting horror that one listens to Acheson sounding the knell of US policy in China in the letter which accompanied what is usually known as the China White paper , oblivious to the possibility that the bell was tolling for the same policy that was being reborn in Vietnam .
14 To an extent , the stormy exterior mirrored the relationship of their employers , Bernard and Laura ; but underneath everyone was shooting for the same goal .
15 As it was , a few years later another similar boat , a Fairy Swordfish , was purchased for the same purpose which in my opinion was a much inferior seaboat .
16 Inevitably , New Zealand duo Mark Thorpe and David Bargh led the way for Newcastle , the former reeling off a 15point maximum while his skipper was paid for the same total .
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