Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv prt] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lucker is having none of my gung-ho enthusiasm and drives on regardless to the end of the peninsula .
2 ‘ And I presume this sort of thing goes on all over the country ? ’
3 Calvin takes a look at Jerry , mumbles something inaudible and sits down heavily on the step with his back to all of us .
4 A collection of nondescript prints , for example , can be given a sense of unity if each is mounted with the same distinctive colour : camel or chrome yellow or red , whichever fits in best with the room , and then edged all in the same way with a thin strip of wood or chrome or brass .
5 This last point is a familiar one , which fits in well with the remarks on observing patterns that I have discussed above .
6 However , this chord fits in well with the others because the strength of discord is equal to that in other chords : Finally we add a low part to make five-part harmony .
7 He addressed his students as ‘ Gentlemen ’ , and drew them into his subject by the use of ‘ we ’ and ‘ you ’ ( a contrast with McFadyean 's ‘ one ’ that fits in well with the relationships between these two different teachers and their classes . )
8 It could equally be phrased in a way that fits in more with the way of eminence .
9 As the train slows down considerably on the bend , look out beyond the Castoff Carpet Centre ( formerly Watley Baptist Chapel ) over the spire of Saint Greavsies and you may be able to spot the rusty corrugated sheeting , glistening muddily in the sunlight , that makes up the ground 's perimeter fencing .
10 Mr Gandhi has an election coming up and a big one-day cricket tournament not only goes down well with the electorate , but also goes a long way towards providing a short-term solution to the unemployment problem .
11 And Black goes down theatrically on the edge of the box and nothing has been given and Gemmell took a chance then he er overplayed his protest to the referee .
12 Yeah there 's a lot goes in apart from the chicken there 's a heck of lot goes in it in the
13 His name lives on today in the title of Lamplugh House , once the rectory of Thwing and opened as a Christian conference centre for young people in 1973 .
14 Sometimes the chairman of a committee stands down temporarily from the chair in order to express a deeply felt personal view about an issue in which he has an interest .
15 The path passes behind the youth hostel , and then drops down slightly towards the Forestry Commission information centre and turns left , following the green posts .
16 This is a relatively small garden measuring 33ft by 36ft ( 10m by 11m ) and our main task is to provide a real feeling of space and movement as well as rationalising the steep slope that drops down away from the house .
17 When we get home Penny goes to check on Heather and if she 's asleep , lies down quietly by the cot and waits for her to wake up so she can come and tell us .
18 No-one lives up here in the cleft of the White Kielder Burn .
19 Much of the mercury that escapes in to the soil and the air and in to the water , finishes up here in the rivers , and there it reacts with naturally occurring compounds to form a compound called methyl mercury which is far more dangerous to man than is mercury itself .
20 Such round , smooth shapes are the perfect foil to the railway sleepers that are used as informal steps down to the lowest level of all , a curved brick paved sitting area that looks back up towards the house .
21 PW 's senior partner Ian Brindle looks out inscrutably from the foreword to tell us that the work provides ‘ a unique point of reference for company executives , investors and investment commentators ’ , which just about sums it up .
22 Well she chunters on just for the sake of talking !
23 What Odd-Knut has not told him is that the water under the ice is pressurized , and it wells up out of the hole .
24 Very few films are about rape , although it crops up all over the place — from the narrative device launching an endless cycle of Death Wish movies , to general ’ scene-setting ’ in war movies and crime thrillers , or used with sublime insensitivity to illuminate ( male ) character : Robert De Niro raping his childhood sweetheart in Once Upon A Time In America , Bob Hoskins forcing himself on the maid in The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne .
25 The car reels and swerves up on to the pavement , crashing into a shopfront and shattering itself and the window panes .
26 One mother of two small children arrives back later in the afternoon looking ashen .
27 Then it climbs back up to the top of the stigma rising from the ovary and rams the pollen ball into the top .
28 I think even when the police turned up , they had n't got a clue what to do with it so , it was a good training training day from This leads down down onto the stairwell .
29 There are many tales of naturalists who have gone to some place in search of a rare species , only to find that a member of that very species floats down out of the trees on gentle wings to besport itself before his amazed eyes , or appear in whatever appropriate manner to his appreciative gaze .
30 The eastern desert , rocky and mountainous , closes in aggressively upon the river with high bluffs restricting the fields to a tenuous strip .
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