Example sentences of "[vb -s] [vb pp] to the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Kahlo 's painting , the figure falls from the fantasy world she has inhabited to the harsh bloodspattered reality of the street , literally coming down to earth .
2 Hubbard ( 1981 ) has pointed to the inbuilt sexist assumptions of much biology , while Lanser and Torton Beck ( 1979 ) have pointed to the exclusion of female writers and critics from syllabuses of English .
3 The nearest any western fighting technique has come to the eastern martial arts , is in the French art of ‘ la Savate ’ .
4 He has written to the local Labour MP , Irene Adams , the Labour Party 's Scottish hierarchy and the Prime Minister on the matter , all without success .
5 Schwartz has turned to the American Deep South for its third new seasoning .
6 The breed has contributed to the Japanese Black , Lithuanian Red , Målselv , Norwegian Red-and-White , Red Trondheim and the Swedish Red-and-White .
7 Input to the geological mapping programme The Group has contributed to the onshore geological mapping programme of the Thematic Maps and Onshore Surveys Division in the Thame , Exeter and Grantham areas .
8 Conspicuous support for sporting and other activities has contributed to the rising public approval of the Quit campaign and of antismoking measures generally .
9 Each has contributed to the massive genetic erosion of the food chain .
10 Indeed the obstinacy with which company law has clung to the traditional legal model of the division of power in the company between the managers and the shareholders has sometimes had the effect of concealing from us the fact that company law regulates a variety of different sorts of companies .
11 This island alone in Indonesia has clung to the old Hindu religion and culture .
12 Although at the time of writing the weather has reverted to the usual Icelandic summer , there was considerable new route activity in April and May .
13 On the other hand , she finds it difficult to take much interest in financial control , which means that there are sometimes errors in bills , and her unwillingness to ask walk-in guests for a deposit has led to the occasional bad debt .
14 The interpretation of these patterns has led to the following significant observations :
15 This has led to the legitimate graphic device of breaking the further line as it passes behind the near line .
16 The investigation is ongoing and has spread to the other important cities for art trading , Osaka and Kyoto .
17 Whatever has happened to the good old-fashioned values ?
18 But what has happened to the lyrical central section ?
19 And to understand that change I want to go back to the beginning and just to trace what has happened to the Chinese Communist Party since it was formed in nineteen twenty one when it had a mere I hope everybody can see that , it 's not very large today and I do n't think I can any better than that In nineteen twenty one when it was first founded , it had a mere fifty seven members and it did n't grow very much for a number of years .
20 What has happened to the stalwart Dutch realist ?
21 Now the accountancy firm Coopers & Lybrand has started a full-scale inquiry to try to discover what has happened to the missing millions .
22 The proposal is one of a number of voluntary interim measures to protect the UK coast line from accidental pollution from laden tankers which the Government has submitted to the International Maritime Organisation .
23 Although the government has been pushing liquid petroleum gas ( LPG ) in metropolitan cities , its supply remains restricted to the upper middle class and the demand far outstrips the supply .
24 ‘ In fact , I think it 's gone to the other extreme in that it 's more and more difficult for companies in that classification to raise any equity whatsoever .
25 But I do n't know what 's happened to the other ten . ’
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