Example sentences of "[vb -s] [vb pp] [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Dutch electronics group , which for so long supported current cost accounting , has decided to move to the historical basis with effect from 1 January 1992 .
2 After the rejection of those complaints , he has decided to apply to the European Commission alleging breaches of privacy under article 8 of the human rights convention .
3 I refer to your interview today for the above appointment and would advise you that , after careful consideration , the Sub-Committee has decided to recommend to the Regional Council that be appointed to the post .
4 Dall has produced writing to the staggering scale of 250 bibles to the square inch , small enough to write one bible on a pinhead , but the individual letters on that scale are so minute , no higher than a micrometre ( one or two wavelengths of visible light ) , that they are at the limit of resolution of optical microscopes .
5 ‘ Somebody has got to minister to the rich , ’ she added complacently .
6 The Louvre has agreed to extend to the Metropolitan a long-term loan of two glazed-brick murals depicting archers , from a sixth-century Achaemenid palace at Susa .
7 Over the years that The Women Artists Slide Library has been collecting and documenting the work of women artists it has become sensitised to the many issues around health and disability .
8 The -e has become attracted to the -ly ; the speller is seeing the word as a whole , instead of as love + ly
9 This is why the Kunstmuseum section concludes with Baselitz , who , in the context of Transavanguardia and Neo-Expressionism , has attempted to return to the traditional forms of painting and ‘ standing sculpture ’ .
10 This view of research in respect of language teaching has , as I showed in Chapter 2 , led to an unfortunate separation of roles which has proved damaging to the pedagogic cause : the researcher as the producer of truth on the one hand , and the language teacher as a consumer of it on the other .
11 He has continued to cling to the middle ground , but that ground has been shifting .
12 LIFESPAN RDBI has failed to connect to the relational database specified in the RDBI configuration file .
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