Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adj] [conj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 policies arranges other than in the joint names of the Society and an individual borrower .
2 one could perhaps use the term ‘ society ’ just as well , but the word culture , with its connotations of the way of life of a people , seems preferable because of the potential influence of the curriculum on ideas , beliefs , values and habits .
3 So on first consideration it seems odd that in the early days of planning The Possessed Dostoevsky should write to his friend Maikov and describe his new venture as ‘ like Crime and Punishment but even nearer to reality , even more urgent , and directly concerned with the most important contemporary question ’ .
4 It seems clear that throughout the developmental period , certain factors can be identified which in certain circumstances will increase a person 's future psychiatric risk .
5 The price for the first seems high and for the second low for a house with six acres and a lodge , but it used to be the headquarters of British Coal 's opencast mining subsidiary , which can not have done it any good .
6 Thus it seems likely that in the general process of longshore drift under the action of oblique waves , longshore currents and oblique rip currents may help in the movement of the finer material .
7 With the advance of communication and storage technology , and the proven inadequacy of passive , unhelpful search programs — both of the keyword Boolean type and the browsing , phrase-matching type — it seems likely that in the not-far-distant future the old reference retrieval software will fall into disuse , intermediaries will be redeployed and we shall be able to throw away our front-ends to DIALOG .
8 It seems likely that in the next few years funding will be increased minimally and competition will also grow .
9 However , it seems unlikely that in the foreseeable future they will attract sufficient students to make them viable as institutions predominantly offering courses of higher education .
10 It seems certain that over the next few years the returns for all the work done did not satisfy Taylor , who wrote again in 1840 to the acting agent Moser , asking for a reduction of the Royalties to one-fifteenth .
11 The early divisions of the mouse embryo seem much more sloppy and between the 8- and 16-cell stages the surface of the clump of cells becomes smooth and at the 32-cell stage there is a single layer of cells enclosing some cells on the inside .
12 Parliament Street in the town remains closed because of the potential danger .
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