Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] same [noun] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 A child who actively seeks information is likely to make far better use of it than one who passively receives the same information as a chore and is constantly reminded how little s/he knows .
2 moved and seconded must be accepted by the Chairman , unless it is frivolous or illegal , or covers the same ground as a motion on which a decision has already been taken in the same meeting .
3 Although not technically a fountain , it utilizes the same components as the conventional fountain .
4 ‘ Alexander , he has the same name as the late king .
5 When random access media items are being used , the media items must contain a directory which has the same name as the LIFESPAN process directory .
6 The official receiver whilst acting as receiver of the estate has the same powers as a receiver appointed by the High Court and is entitled to dispose of any perishable goods or any other goods the value of which is likely to be diminished if they are not disposed of ( s 287(2) ) .
7 The main point of Engels 's and Morgan 's argument is that , once again , the State has the same origin as the family , private property , and class division , or in other words the overthrow of the gens .
8 As Nina remarks , this is a condition which afflicts Gael 's novel as well , and since it has the same title as the novel we read , comparison is inevitable .
9 Assume the dividend and divisor are integral , in two 's complement representation , For definiteness , assume that the remainder is zero or has the same sign as the dividend ( see Stein and Munro 1971 , Chapter 6 for more details ) .
10 Customs apparently now regard this as a supply by the landlord under the lease , and the reimbursement has the same treatment as the lease , ie generally exempt but standard-rated if the option applies .
11 Each copy is the same as the original , and has the same properties as the original .
12 I 'm sure many GWR aficionados will be aware that a 42XX has the same controls as a 51XX and a 28XX the same as a ‘ Hall ’ .
13 ‘ $ ’ , ‘ — ’ , ‘ - ’ , ‘ ! ’ . ie. It has the same syntax as the module name .
14 I agree with Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. that the effect of section 8 is to make it clear that a child of 16 or 17 years of age has the same capacity as an adult to consent to surgical medical or dental treatment which would otherwise constitute a trespass .
15 The banister of the back staircase has the same pattern as the glazing bars of a glass-fronted cabinet Lutyens designed for his own house .
16 Locally it has the same form as a rotation in SR : .
17 The Discovery has the same wheelbase as the Range Rover but , thanks to advances made in interior packaging , has much more room inside its well-appointed cabin than its big , expensive stablemate .
18 That para states that as a result of the decision in Re Duomatic Ltd ( 1969 ) 1 All ER 161 , if , on some occasion other than the annual general meeting , the shareholders agree to remunerate the directors with certain sums , then that agreement has the same force as a resolution passed in a general meeting .
19 Clearly an indemnity of the second type has the same effect as a simple exclusion of liability .
20 Protector features what the company claims is a first in razor technology — a ‘ thin guard wire over the edges of the blades which has the same effect as the metal foil of a dry razor ’ .
21 It has the same effect as the fake burglar alarm box — the intruder will think twice and move on to another house that does not present any problems .
22 Therefore , since the cost reduction has the same effect as the price reduction but has other effects in addition , it is more worthwhile to strive after , if it is equally easy to obtain . "
23 Thus , the following example has the same effect as the previous one .
24 The new amendment relates to the bill 's effect on the legislation covering elections to the European Parliament and technically has the same effect as the Labour amendment 27 , which the Government belatedly said would not prevent ratification .
25 This has the same filename as the current version but with a different filename extension ; .
26 The DD-10 has the same features as the DD-1EX plus the following .
27 Many scholars believe that this miracle has the same root as the calming of the storm .
28 As there is no possible overlap with H-atom orbitals , the MO has the same energy as the oxygen AO except for a small charge effect .
29 The distribution of sites has the same symmetry as the cubic core , but the occupancy of sites by the two subunits is fairly haphazard ( see Figure ) .
30 An anaphor is a word , phrase or ellipsis that has the same meaning as a previous word or phrase in a text , for example a third person pronoun or a verbal ellipsis ( eg Sarah likes burgundy , and Sally , claret ) .
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