Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It goes right into the subconscious of course ; no memorizing involved . ’
2 It is getting into the position of an excellent prize of war ; strategically it points right into the heart of Japan and into the hands of an enemy it weakens the Japanese bastion of Western defence .
3 This does n't just mean doing a sedentary job but refers rather to the type of person ( who could well be a housewife , doing a basically non-sedentary type of job ) who calls the children to bring something from the next room rather than getting up herself , or who goes to great lengths to avoid journeys up and down stairs , or who will drive round for five minutes to find a parking spot near the exit of the car park rather than walk for two minutes …
4 To put this more concretely , there can be legitimate arguments about the nature , quality and function of a listener 's response to the actual sound and structure of , say , an Elvis Presley or Bing Crosby song ; what is not legitimate is to move this ‘ thrill ’ , however defined , bodily across the theoretical topography so that it sits wholly under the sign of commodity-fetishism .
5 Hintertux is a tiny hamlet and offers little in the way of nighttime activity but Mayrhofen , 15 minutes away , positively buzzes in the evening .
6 Although ‘ Hot Hot Hot ’ , the other failure , retains the manic absurdity , it offers little in the way of additional entertainment .
7 Although ‘ Hot Hot Hot ’ , the other failure , retains the manic absurdity , it offers little in the way of additional entertainment .
8 Colin Falck 's Cat Gone from Memorabilia ( Taxus , £5.95 ) , by contrast , goes courageously over the top in its eloquent last verse demonstration of how death and depression transfer emotion and unhinge reason : Come back my love .
9 Boler 's case grinds wearily to the Court of Appeal .
10 Our present understanding of the relationship between ΔC p and the hydrophobic effect [ 17 , 18 ] , leads us to conclude that the latter contributes little to the formation of the single strand helix , and consequently , that water molecules may not be appreciably ordered around the faces of the bases prior to stacking .
11 Back on the main road , it turns right at the junction in Gleann Beag , passing a complex of handsome farm buildings , and ascends a long incline where much-needed improvements have taken place .
12 The schoolmaster of St. Andrews was ambitious ‘ and aspires eagerly to the dignity of being professor of humanity in this university ’ .
13 And it contributes greatly to the reading of all text in ‘ character 's voice ’ — the kind of text exemplified in this chapter .
14 Probably the best hotel in Mayrhofen , the Neuhaus has high standards ; it offers much in the way of facilities and the cooking has an excellent reputation .
15 An attractive modern city , Gdynia offers much in the way of general amenities for the holidaymaker .
16 The mansion of Hothar the Fey drifts gently across the sky of Saphery , landing at its owner 's whim .
17 The cheesemaker has the best control over his cheese if he is able to use the milk from his own flock or herd — he then knows exactly what he is getting and where the animals have been grazed as the type of grass and subsoil contributes much to the flavour of the milk and then the cheese .
18 His captain , Gooch , thinks highly of the 21-year-old from Watford and his continuing fitness will be crucial to Essex hopes of retaining the county championship .
19 The Music dictionary contributes only to the recognition of Music text .
20 The difference between them is that the first regress can only be stopped by certain ( = infallible ) beliefs , while the second insists merely on the existence of beliefs which are non-inferentially justified .
21 In this respect the answering of an examination question differs somewhat from the giving of an opinion in legal practice , A practitioner will not argue legal points unnecessarily .
22 Completed family size sometimes refers only to the number of surviving children .
23 It is via these windows that the system informs the Offline Operator what is happening and requests a media item to be physically mounted or dismounted on the appropriate media unit ; in this case mounting refers only to the action of placing a media item onto a media unit .
24 It refers only to the cause of a difference not to a whole course of development .
25 The frame fits nicely on the top of the vat over the area not covered by the filter .
26 This fourth release goes deeper into the core of haunting electronics , meditating on mysterious edges of sound .
27 Paddy Cosgrove , councillor and barrister , in candidates ' pinstripes , sits tensely on the edge of his plastic chair .
28 To turn three pages of essay into 77 pages of story looks suspiciously like the kind of redundant ornamentation that Steiner suggests is at the heart of what is wrong with Western values .
29 It needs little in the way of special equipment other than a portable cassette recorder and microphone , and many a pleasant hour can be spent in collecting background sounds of various kinds .
30 Politically , Ratliff stands somewhere to the right of Robert E. Lee .
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