Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] the same [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A woman with big beautiful hands who smokes too much writes down my name and what she needs to know and what I need to tell , and another worker goes through the same routine with a serene and rather silent woman in her early thirties , with three children and two plastic bags containing toys and toiletries — the mark of a mother on the run , all you can grab in a quick getaway .
2 The spiny newt of China goes through the same sort of contortions to warn off those that threaten it and adds a special deterrent all its own .
3 The drawback is the cost of insisting that everyone goes for the same type of equipment .
4 Despite Sealink 's best efforts , I ca n't wait to escape our tiny cabin for the Bentley , whose interior I reckon has about the same amount of room but is more expensively trimmed .
5 It looks like the same sort of swarf that 's lying under Orrie 's bench .
6 These units could then be regarded as repeatedly subdivisible to the point that the final dimension is so minute that it stands in the same relation to the highest human capacity for feeling as does the single cell to the supreme achievement of cellular development , which is the physical human being .
7 Yet lexical access stands in the same relation to these levels as the acoustic front end stands to lexical access .
8 Moreover , it varies according to style , purpose and audience : no one speaks or writes in the same way on all occasions .
9 His younger brother , who lives in the same house in Umtata , met Mr Mandela in August and subsequently travelled to ANC headquarters in Lusaka .
10 Clearly it is unreasonable to assume that being one standard deviation above the mean in terms of any indicator corresponds to the same amount of deprivation .
11 The self-imposed exile of the handsome flâneur , the Honourable Bertie Cecil , hero of Ouida 's Under Two Flags , and his secret , heroic service with the French against the Arabs in North Africa , depends in the same way on the reader 's acceptance of social and military codes of honour strained to the limit to provide a sensational story .
12 It seems , then , that not only may an entrepreneur-producer be a monopolist because he happens at the same time to be a monopolist resource owner , he may be a monopolist because he has made himself a monopolist resource owner in the course of his entrepreneurial activities .
13 In this way , the polyps synchronise the release of their sexual cells so precisely that the event occurs at the same hour on a particular night each year , turning the sea into a multi-coloured reproductive soup .
14 If you can afford a magic standard then you can use this to increase the leadership or add to your combat result which amounts to the same thing for the all important break test .
15 Show that this leads to the same behaviour in steady state as the extreme classical assumption .
16 It certainly has a bearing , er it , it has a bearing in two directions , it causes price increases and cost increases at the same time for the producers , so that at the same time as there are price increases , increasing inflation , there is a reduction in production .
17 The basic idea can be captured in minutes and the total concept fully realised in , at most , a couple of hours , which is a lot faster than it takes for the same degree of finish to be achieved in any other medium .
18 ‘ That sounds like the same sort of time that — ‘
19 In picture ( a ) the circuit is behaving as one might guess — the single loop on the screen indicates that the current varies in the same way for every cycle of the source .
20 It was only later that he found out that nearly everyone suffers from the same delusion in one form or another ; at the time he was convinced that it was his own personal idiosyncrasy .
21 It may be noted that in this limit , the rotation of the Kerr solution vanishes , and the solution reduces to the same part of the Schwarzschild space-time as the degenerate Ferrari-Ibañez solution .
22 On a beat , that is with the sheet pulled in tightly but as we turn on to a ridge you 'll see that we have to ease the sheet out so that the sail stays at the same angle for the wind .
23 The extensive use of lead during the Cycladic Early Bronze Age points in the same direction for the Aegean .
24 In Fig. 4 , there is emission by both HI and CO at ‘ forbidden velocities ’ , that is , at velocities which do not occur in a model in which all material circulates in the same sense on circular orbits .
25 These source rocks are the peridotites , and since geophysics tells us that the mantle consists of the same kind of material all over the world , it 's clear that melting part of the mantle beneath Hawaii should produce the same kind of rocks as those produced by melting part of the mantle beneath Iceland .
26 The case quite clearly pulls upon the same set of socially constructed fears that Hall and his colleagues analyse as the creation of the black mugger in Policing the Crisis .
27 If the neuron is allowed to take up similarly labelled materials from the outside world by endocytosis at the growth cone , all the fluorescence again appears in the same kind of vacuole , travelling down the axon .
28 One very small point of procedure is worth noting : at a first glance at this example there appears to be a redundancy of the indication pp , but on closer examination it is seen that it has never been used unnecessarily , for where it appears on the same line of the score in two successive bars the first of the pair of instruments whose parts are written on that line enters alone , and the second joins him in the next bar .
29 When the right of control and transfer is conveyed , the holder relies on the same method of notification by which he was made a holder , except that he will be the initiator of the message to the carrier , and will need to await the carrier 's confirmation before the transfer process can be set in motion .
30 ( t ) If a belongs to the same member of unc as b and if b belongs to the same member of unc as c then … [ can you finish it ? ] .
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