Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] the same [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And when the second person starts to speak , the first person goes through the same performance until there is a chance to interrupt and say : ‘ To get back to what I was saying … ’ or ‘ This only goes to prove my point … ’
2 Venus is much smaller , but nevertheless still has about the same mass as the Earth .
3 same hat , so it looks like the same woman so he says , oh my God !
4 This looks like the same tape as Uncle Pauls erm is it ?
5 It lies in the same field as the rather reddish Nu² ; ( 3.9 ) , forming a triangle with Nu² ; and Sirius .
6 i ) It is congruent with the traditional fungal taxonomy and with phylogenetic trees of fungi based on nuclear SSUrRNA data : the two pyrenomycetes ( P.anserina and N.crassa ) branch very closely together and their distance to A.nidulans , a representative of the plectomycetes , is shorter than that to S.cerevisiae , belonging to the endomycetes. ii ) The position of P.wickerhamii is unexpectedly closer to S.cerevisiae than to all other ascomycetes , whereas the distance between S.cerevisiae and P.wickerhamii lies in the same range as that between the two ascomycetes , S.cerevisiae and A.nidulans .
7 Average January temperatures are below freezing point , even as far south as Bitola , which lies in the same latitude as Naples .
8 In Yemen , seismic activity has commenced in our Hood block which lies in the same province as the oil fields recently discovered in the adjacent Masila area .
9 Anthony Purcell lives in the same road as the Strongs in Forest Hill near Oxford .
10 He lives in the same town and it still hurts her to see him .
11 ‘ It could n't possibly have been Eddie who impersonated Delia and anyway there 'd have been no point when she lives in the same house as Angy . ’
12 This neat orderliness has been attacked by Le Page and Tabouret-Keller , who write ( 1985 : 198 ) : Such a model necessarily implies a linear sequence of varieties within " a language " , with the implication that all innovation starts from the same source and travels in the same direction ; and that innovation in phonology is paralleled by a similar sequence of innovation in different parts of the grammar and lexicon .
13 To attract business , an exchange has to meet participants ' business needs in the same way as any other market .
14 ‘ that , on general principles , an injury transmitted from the actor to a person through his own organic substance , or through his mother , before he became a person , stands on the same footing as an injury transmitted to an existing person through other intervening substances outside him …
15 At this price it has come under increasing pressure from the Commodore Amiga , which starts at the same price and attracts similar discounts .
16 The clock to record response time starts at the same time that the probe digit is shown on the screen .
17 I have a deep respect for Cranham Baptist Church which meets in the same street as the Community Church .
18 varied situations in which that sort of lifestyle as possible , but the absolute opposite happens within the same city as well .
19 To George 's annoyance , everyone seems to be conspiring against his grandiose plans — especially the old lady who arrives on the same day as Tony Madoc .
20 Put both answers on the same postcard and send it to : Sharp answer , Liverpool Echo Sports Desk , PO Box 48 , Old Hall Street , L69 3EB .
21 If this happens at the same time as the inevitable swing into wind , it can result in a very rapid rolling over on to the into-wind wing-tip .
22 For example , although a curie of any radioactive element disintegrates at the same rate as I gram of natural radium ( as found in sea-water ) there is no connection between this and the relative toxicity of the element as compared to radium .
23 Erm there 's a sense in which y'know kind of when I go to concerts erm there 's y'know kind of there 's loads of blokes who take their shirts off and er wrestle around together and build human pyramids and do all that kind of , lots of body contact , lots of grasping one-another and all that kind of thing and yet erm y'know presumably to them , on the assumption that they 're heterosexual , as I assume probably they are , it 's it 's one of these things that erm y'know is kind of again maybe it even occurs at the same time as they 're quite homophobic in some cases .
24 The speed of élite competition means that your countering punch either arrives at the same time as any deflection you make , or very soon after it .
25 His argument is that the density wave is of a different kind , the so called long wave mode , which propagates from the centre of the Galaxy outward , such a wave pattern rotates much more rapidly than the short wave mode and it just happens that , if this picture is correct , our Solar System is almost exactly at the place in our Galaxy where it orbits at the same speed as the wave ( Astrophysics and Space Science , vol 89 , p 61 ) .
26 it follows from this that ‘ it is characteristic of all unproductive labourers that they are at my command … only to the same extent as I exploit productive labourers … however , my power to employ productive labourers by no means grows in the same proportion as I employ unproductive labourers , but on the contrary diminishes in the same proportion . ’
27 Studies have shown that the heat-labile exotoxin ( known as LT ) produced by pathogenic E. coli acts in the same way as the cholera enterotoxin .
28 However , the courts have recognised that an indemnity of type ( 2 ) above , reversing liability , acts in the same way as an exclusion .
29 My own personal experience leads to the same conclusion as on the rotation issue .
30 The impact of the recession in Britain has compelled employers drastically to reduce labour costs at the same time as it has effectively shifted the balance of market strength in their favour .
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