Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] be [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She says everyone is talking about the new store . ’
2 I remember one teacher retiring several years ago in Nottingham said to me er he says I 'm sticking with the Nationwide , me .
3 ‘ He says you are trespassing on the land belonging to the Maker of Clouds .
4 You know is going forward to a week on Sunday and then whatever else happens we 're going through the process are n't we ?
5 Who says we 're living in the past ?
6 ‘ Anyone who says they are coping with the Gulf without sleepless nights is telling lies ; it 's amazing how far you can stretch yourself , but it hurts sometimes . ’
7 A female Canadian relative of mine says they are suffering in the same way .
8 He 's got a , they 're all talking about me , he says they 're listening at the walls or standing in the clossies
9 Mr. says he 's looking into the matter .
10 Every time I see him he says he 's going to the police . ’
11 Well he says he 's going to the , he said he was going to the on Friday and they would be finished by Friday .
12 he says he was going by the horse like
13 She says it 's going down the drain .
14 They 're not to write it on letter heading cos it means it says it 's coming from the London .
15 Even when published , aspects of APPN networking remain covered by IBM patents , and Data Connection says it is negotiating with the mainframe manufacturer and hopes to have this sorted out in time for the InterOp show later this month .
16 He says it was flicking through the frequencies when it locked onto a call and he recognised the voice as Diana .
17 So-called new information is what the speaker assumes he is introducing into the addressee 's consciousness by what he says .
18 What concerns me is looking at the and trying to forge new creative links with other organisations , statutory and voluntary , in the best health interests of Oxfordshire residents .
19 Stripped film from the security camera that videos customers in the Praed Street shop , Took away the staff roster , which reveals who was working on the crucial day , Removed the shop 's till rolls , Attempted to pursuade the female member of staff to forget Mr Onanuga told her he served Mr Lamont on the Monday , and Refused to allow the woman to keep a copy of her signed statement because , it said , it could be handed to a newspaper .
20 Surely it can not be long before the Football League discovers what is festering in the Multivite Vegeburger/Singletons Valve Replacement League sewer .
21 ‘ Everyone thinks we 're going to the barn — ’
22 At certain points in the tale he stops and takes what is happening as the starting-point for a wander along lanes of quasi-anthropological speculation about the problems of the American male ( and , by extension , of ‘ civilised ’ men everywhere ) .
23 Researchers have been observing their habits , and it seems they 're thriving in the countryside .
24 And then suddenly , for no reason at all , he finds he is thinking of the Pyramids .
25 more or , is more or less is realized in a dream she has , just before she leaves Thornfield Hall , erm in which she dreams she 's lying in the red room again
26 He dreams he is sitting at the wheel of his car at the traffic lights , unable to drive off because he ca n't decide whether to kiss Rose when he arrives , or whether to ask her for a cheese and chutney sandwich instead , or where to go for his holidays .
27 Does my right hon. Friend agree that even if one ignores what is happening in the former USSR , there are other countries in the world that are potential aggressors and which either have nuclear capacity or may be near to acquiring it ?
28 For good measure , and , presumably in case anybody thinks he is indulging in the negative campaigning we have all been hearing so much about , he praises the Lib Dems as offering a ‘ more egalitarian , democratic and ecologically responsible [ manifesto ] than Labour 's ’ .
29 He thinks he 's working with the Mafia . ’
30 I bet Alex wishes he was going to the pantomime today .
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