Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The office block on the Albert Embankment which houses his penthouse looks nothing special from the outside — a drab 1960s monstrosity in concrete and glass .
2 While EC competition law has nothing equivalent to the wide ‘ public-interest ’ test of UK law , Article 85(3) does permit the granting of exemptions for agreements between firms that can be shown to produce beneficial effects .
3 The Arabian peninsula contains one half of the non-Communist world 's oil reserves , Saudi Arabia 's proven oil reserves are fourfold those of USA and UK together .
4 That places it FOURTH in the premier league of top-earning ‘ industries ’ .
5 Sharon 's father blames it all upon the economic climate .
6 Some of the same movements are repeated yet again in the final pas de deux , when the Prince raises her high above the glistening Stars before leading her away to the land where ‘ they lived happily ever after ’ , where all fairy tales should end .
7 ‘ Knowledge shows us high above the mutable transactions of the soul with the mortality of nature our highest Self as the supreme Lord of all her actions , one and equal in all objects and creatures , not born in the taking up of the body , not subject to death in the perishing of all those bodies .
8 The more easterly of the two valley roads which combine at Pierrefitte takes you first to the charming town of Luz-Saint-Sauveur , which may look like one place but is really two , with more than just a hyphen dividing them .
9 He is Dieter Schmidt and his secret recipe keeps him awake for the 20-hour flights .
10 Similarly , if you ever notice someone having a ‘ good ’ positive argument , even if they seem quite passionate , if you are allowed to listen , try and see what keeps it all on the straight and narrow and allows a beneficial and not destructive outcome to be the result .
11 ( e ) for any other reason the Council thinks it proper in the public interest not to recognise the body .
12 When have they ever had a reasonable pay deal which puts them level with the private sector ?
13 In so doing , she reminds us both of the considerable differences between spoken and written language ; and of the complexity of the task children face in learning to read and master the written representation of language .
14 It is understandable : the child considers himself safe in the residential street and is inattentive on the way to school .
15 Marie Thwaites has a sunny disposition , rarely stops smiling and has happy memories of her experiences as a hired hand , She considers herself one of the fortunate ones , although her innocent description of the daily regime she had to endure would be considered intolerable indeed cruel today .
16 She 's a trustee of SCARF ( skin cancer research fund ) ; she considers herself one of the lucky ones , having had minor surgery herself .
17 W. R. Parzynski and P. W. Zipse 's Introduction to Mathematical Analysis makes a better job than most , and it does it all in the right order , from special to general , what you might call the Reverse Bourbaki Gambit .
18 Their responsibility for improving relations between police and public makes them sensitive to the disastrous effect that wrongly exercised discretion can have on the public 's perception of the RUC .
19 This leaves them open to the very ‘ panopticism ’ identified by Foucault and Giddens .
20 The growing plant partly relies on the host tree for nutrients but it also makes its own by the usual photosynthesis .
21 Koons says that it is exactly this childlike aspect that makes her vulnerable to the tacky mandarins of the porn industry , whom Koons loathes , despite the mountain of mad flesh in Made in Heaven .
22 MONEY MANIA : A trader yells himself hoarse in the deafening pit where fortunes changed hands
23 PASSIONATE songs and groovy diversions and a voice that cracks and soars and makes you aware of the rich possibilities of your lot , instead of burying your feelings in a horrible , orthodox genre .
24 As BS knows everything relevant about the physical state of affairs , the things that he does not know about are not physical states of affairs .
25 That way , even a small success gives a sense of achievement and provides something positive for the new family to build upon .
26 ‘ He reached the World semi-final last year at Bradford which makes him one of the top 32 riders in the world .
27 How to Make Money With Computers contains a wealth of essential business advice , which even makes it suitable for the budding entrepreneur who does n't intend to start a computer related business .
28 It is the life force within us that is the cause of that denial , which makes it impossible for the healthy to imagine a time when it will have faded , which makes them tremble at the thought that , were voluntary euthanasia ever legalized , abuse would inevitably follow , and when they became old and ill , they would be at risk of being put away .
29 This makes it impossible for the poor to move to that neighbourhood .
30 You may remember , Mr. Speaker , that last year I raised with you the problem of coaches parked in and around Parliament square , which makes it impossible for the Sessional Order to be complied with .
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