Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] very [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 There may well be room for one or two such centres in other places , but in our view the success of the centre in Birmingham owes a very great deal to the almost evangelical enthusiasm of those who run it .
2 Whilst recognising that the 16–25 age group has a very strong claim to any manpower which might become available , the question arises as to whether it would be better placed at , for example , deanery level serving the needs of the whole age group rather than in an educational establishment serving an important but small minority .
3 This has a very Spanish flavour to it .
4 ( Ravel 's Sonata for violin and cello has a very similar passage to Bartók 's piece , with very similar key characteristics . )
5 Unfortunately , little is known of the south wing , but it has a very similar appearance to that of the north side and suffers from the disadvantage of facing north , which precludes any possibility of the best accommodation being situated there .
6 Meanwhile , look out for the work of rock-climbing photographer , Greg Lucas , who has a very individual approach to the problem of access to private land .
7 Meanwhile , look out for the work of rock-climbing photographer , Greg Lucas , who has a very individual approach to the problem of access to private land .
8 Of course , companionable silence can be one of the more pleasurable experiences of intimacy , but that kind of silence has a very different look to it .
9 For example , we often talk about ‘ stress ’ , which is a term that has a very precise meaning to an engineer .
10 And it does have , it has a very bleak aspect to it , to me .
11 He has a very sympathetic approach to people and to the problems that people have .
12 In both outward profile and interior decor the yacht bears a very strong resemblance to her smaller sister .
13 Since this century began , few psychologists outside T. D. Lysenko 's Russia have denied that intelligence bears a very direct correlation to inheritance .
14 The latter is obviously the interesting one and it uses a very different method to competitive programs .
15 Since Vietnam and Kampuchea are heavily dependent politically and militarily on external sponsors such a concept of ‘ non-alignment ’ involves a very different emphasis to that of neutrality or neutralisation .
16 For these reasons it is no exaggeration to claim that the increasing drift to training at the expense of education , in adult education as elsewhere , represents a very real threat to a democratic society .
17 It also offers a very impressive solution to one of guitar recording 's biggest problems : getting heavy distortion onto tape .
18 This combination of a strictly limited set of measures , and their application only to new housing , goes a very long way to explaining why public ignorance of these matters is so widespread in Britain .
19 Its main potential would seem to lie in its use by individuals working alone or perhaps in small groups , and this requires a very different approach to materials design .
20 This manual takes a very comprehensive approach to the every day care of individuals from ‘ womb to tomb ’ .
21 It takes a very special person to be a referee .
22 Sounds a very funny law to me . ’
23 ‘ It seems a very different world to me . ’
24 We think this sends a very wrong message to the Government about the popularity of opting out .
25 As explained in section 2.3 , a diode is a device that presents a very low resistance to current flow when appreciable potential difference of one sign , known as forward , is applied while it presents a very high resistance to current flow when appreciable potential difference of the opposite sign , known as reverse , is applied .
26 As explained in section 2.3 , a diode is a device that presents a very low resistance to current flow when appreciable potential difference of one sign , known as forward , is applied while it presents a very high resistance to current flow when appreciable potential difference of the opposite sign , known as reverse , is applied .
27 The course follows a very similar pattern to the single honours degree in Modern and Contemporary History , with the distinction that it involves the acquisition of language skills and an extra year of study which is spent in a university in another EC state .
28 And our Lord in the words that we 've read gives a very solemn answer to that question in the , in those words that we read a few moments ago and his immediate answer to the question you know are there few that be saved , was to say many , this was in the following verse , many shall not be able to be saved , now does that mean that only a few will be saved , that there 's only a few people who are gon na be in heaven that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for about a handful of people , a small percentage does that what it , is that what it means , well lets look and see what the bible has to say , in Matthew chapter seven in verse thirteen and verse fourteen , this is what Jesus says enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction and many of those who enter by it , for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life , but few of those who find it any way in the same book , in , in Matthew in , in , in chapter twenty two and in , in , in verse fourteen , listen again to what it says there Jesus is speaking he says for many a called , but few are chosen
29 Third , although subsection ( 2 ) gives a very wide discretion to the court on the ‘ steps ’ to be taken , the purpose of any order must be ‘ for restoring the parties to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into . ’
30 If this is correct , it gives a very different emphasis to political pluralism , one that makes democracy through the ballot box of much less importance .
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