Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [noun] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An equal distribution takes into account only the size of the population groups that are being compared , while an equitable distribution takes into account the varying needs for the service of the groups as well .
2 If the tax rate rises above 60% then the disincentive effect on output is so strong ( i.e. output falls so much ) that tax revenue ( tax rate x output ) actually falls , despite the higher tax rate .
3 If curve A in Figure 6.9 applies to Mercury then the erasure of craters must have occurred throughout a fairly extended period during the final stages of formation .
4 If before receiving payment from the US importer the dollar appreciates to DM4.08–4.12 then the exporter will receive DM40.8m , an overall gain of DM1m .
5 The satellite stations colossal £304million investment is in urgent need of an audience boost with fears that once Sky Sports goes to subscription only the viewing figures will be lucky to hit 700,000 .
6 If one qualifies , there is the right to a passport ; if the relevant Parole Board decides in favour then the prisoner is entitled to be released .
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