Example sentences of "[vb -s] [be] [vb pp] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The board has been manoeuvred into the broad reaching position by pushing and pulling on the rig and we are now about to start .
2 Since then much research has been done into the basic biology of badgers as well as the epidemiology of TB in badgers and cattle .
3 The virtue of celibacy has been extended into the vowed life of monasticism and the single priesthood .
4 But nevertheless everything that has been repressed into the unconscious is in the id .
5 Erm I 'm not saying that er there were n't problems in security and using public transport and fear of using public transport after dark , but we were quite surprised that compared with the rest of the U K it was erm not acceptable but it gave us an indication on , on where to go from there on , erm and also I think er the important factor that in the lower in Strathclyde that we 've actually consulted women in terms of er what they want and what they need er in the transport world erm in public transport and that 's not lip service we 've actually had discussions groups and that information has been fed into the large erm public transport review that were undertaking at the present time .
6 The chosen Design Change ( DC ) has been formatted into the supplied filename in your current VMS directory .
7 Molly Fletcher had been a pretty girl , but she had the faded air of a flower that has been transplanted into the wrong soil .
8 If the local authorities had been given the money that has been poured into the private sector to be spent on domiciliary packages , more home helps , special care attendance and occupational budgets to provide aids and adaptations for people in their own homes , we could have saved the Government and the country millions of pounds .
9 Lithuania is dependent for its oil supplies on Russia but has been plunged into the same economic crisis as its neighbour by the collapse of the communist system .
10 A DENTAL surgeon who lives in a wooden hut has been lumped into the luxury council tax bracket .
11 In IP , by contrast , the distinction has been elevated into the fundamental test for determining whether wordings may be accepted as constitutive of a trust or not .
12 In addition , the size of the bands indicates that at least one copy of the construct has been integrated into the interrupted beta-tubulin gene at the 3' end of the tubulin locus ( 7.4kb fragment ) , and that a second integration event has occurred at a PstI site within an intact beta-tubulin gene ( 5.8 kb band ) .
13 The public library has lost its soul because it has been absorbed into the modern semi-literate culture and because it did not have the knowledge and experience gained across generations that the old private libraries had to enable them to cope with the world of mass circulation popular fiction , for example , rather than the People 's University that Hoggart remembers from his youth in the Hunslet district of Leeds .
14 Responsibility for development and inspection was taken over by the Social Work Service and the work of the training council has been absorbed into the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work .
15 Soil that has been absorbed into the top layer of a substrate may be very difficult to remove .
16 More recently this notion has been systematized into the various forms of Cognitive–Behaviour Therapy , the most popular of which are Cognitive Therapy ( Beck et al . ,
17 Resort , according to one report , has been blended into the natural landscape ‘ almost to the point of camouflage ’ .
18 Buckingham Palace could fit inside the areas set aside for underground car-parking at the rear , where the old national football stadium has been turned into the modern equivalent of the royal stables .
19 3 Linton Lodge have overbooked and our booking for tomorrow ( Thursday ) night for the whole party has been moved into the following hotel :
20 Computer stationery ( paper , labels ) has been moved into the main Stationery Store , and is now being dealt with by Support Services .
21 If , on the other hand the conscience demands the rejection of a proposed action which has been incorporated into the Created God , and which has not been classified as evil , and is therefore acceptable behaviour , then that is the effect of a guilt complex .
22 The first — unequal retirement ages — has been incorporated into the new scheme .
23 The granary of the former Bell 's Mill has been incorporated into the modern hotel at Belford .
24 For easy reference , the listing has been split into the following main areas :
25 A very small proportion , my Lord Mayor , of of what affects the City 's financial position , is your own car , Sir , which I am delighted to see has been plugged into the controlling group 's revenue expenditure this year .
26 NEWS that an investigation has been started into the possible mis-assessment of ethnic minority children in Strathclyde has highlighted an issue which for years has been simmering in Britain 's classrooms and education departments .
27 The full extent of the taxpayer 's liability over atomic energy has been flushed into the open because of accounting changes demanded by City analysts in the run-up to next year 's electricity privatisation .
28 SALFORD 'S former England rugby union star , Peter Williams , has been drafted into the Welsh rugby league squad to face France on December 13 in Perpignan .
29 At 100 metres ( 325 feet ) , a dolphin 's lungs are probably completely collapsed — all the air has been forced into the thick-walled windpipe and nasal passages , from where no nitrogen can be absorbed into the blood .
30 An enquiry has been ordered into the Bulgarian international 's background after Ipswich were told he had played 12 games for his country .
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