Example sentences of "[vb -s] [be] [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What really matters are the personal relationships within the structure .
2 There have been important studies of aspects of modern cities , but in my view there has been no recent study of a significant part of a great industrial city considered as a whole .
3 However , as there has been no simultaneous monitoring of incidence , it is extremely difficult to determine the effects of these expensive actions to human health and wellbeing .
4 Dr Marsh said : ‘ There has been no radical change to our financial situation since the Annual General Meeting in August , apart from the income that has been generated through the gates .
5 There has been no political pressure from the Foreign Office or elsewhere to prevent the exhibition .
6 there has been no adverse change in the financial position or prospects of the Business ;
7 But this has been no ordinary tour for England , beaten 3–0 in the Indian Test series and consistently outplayed on the pitches of the sub-continent .
8 A Sri Lankan total of 408 for eight , and a first-innings deficit so far of 28 , would not normally be a cause for satisfaction , but this has been no ordinary tour for England , beaten 3-0 in the Indian Test series and consistently outplayed on the pitches of the sub-continent .
9 There should be approximate equivalence of numbers so long as there has been no preferential loss of either jaws or teeth , and the expected percentage values should be in the region of 100 per cent .
10 For all these species , therefore , it is assumed that there has been no preferential loss of jaws or teeth and that the numbers would be equivalent except for sampling errors .
11 Up to now , there has been no good explanation for why the observed value should by so small .
12 It was done by Sadlers Wells in the late forties , but there has been no new production until this recent one in the opera .
13 Fletcher ( 1990 ) has argued for the extension of cervical screening after the age of 65 years but as yet there has been no similar argument for breast cancer screening .
14 There has been no similar move in the British parties , although Conservative party conferences have always had a high proportion of women delegates .
15 There has been no serious conflict about the designation of land for particular uses .
16 There has been no serious study of the persistence of Indian beliefs about the origins of diseases or supernatural cures since a study in 1957 , but they are still current among the older generation at least .
17 There has been a massive movement of patients from Belfast to has been no equivalent transfer of resources . ’
18 There has been no credible claim of responsibility so far for the blasts , many of which were caused by car bombs not previously used in India .
19 At most libraries student numbers have increased but there has been no corresponding increase in the number of librarians .
20 But there has been no corresponding development of graphics technology , until now , that is .
21 The beneficiary 's account is now larger and there has been no corresponding decrease in another domestic bank account to match it , as would have been the case had the transaction been purely domestic , and thus not created further credit .
22 Moreover , ever since the failure of attempts to include restrictions on retaliation or reprisals in the Brussels Code of 1874 , there has been no explicit prohibition of reprisals in the codes of the laws of war .
23 Why is it that , despite such large financial contributions to the less developed regions , there has been no appreciable improvement in their relative economic performance ?
24 Ideal conditions are when there has been no appreciable rain for some months , followed by a sizzling hot June and July .
25 As a careful analysis of the data states , ‘ Quite simply there has been no Thatcherite transformation of attitudes or behaviour among the British public .
26 There has been no discernable decline in the stream of allegations of torture and extra-judicial killing reaching Amnesty International since the formation of the new government .
27 In other words , there has been no systematic re-mapping of the economically less important Highland and Southern Upland areas , since the turn of the century .
28 To date there has been no systematic study of Hotelling 's life and work ; this is a major omission in the study of the history of economics , since Hotelling was responsible for pioneering major developments in the mathematical methods of theoretical economics as well as furthering our understanding of specific questions in economics .
29 It has been suggested that similar reactions may take place on background sulphate aerosols in the Antarctic stratosphere , but as yet there has been no unambiguous evidence for these reactions in the absence of polar stratospheric clouds ( although there have been observations of ozone loss attributed to volcanic aerosols ) .
30 ‘ There has been no real determination in their opposition since the London demonstration of 1991 , and that was led by Ayrshire farmers .
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