Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] at [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The user is still firmly in control of what goes where at every stage of the document 's creation and the program has lost none of that intuitive feel .
2 He says that at the beginning of the relationship he wrestled with himself , knowing that he should back off from Mandy .
3 Caro Hunt says that at the age of five he could beat her and it was then she realised he had a lot of promise .
4 He says that at the end of the Laws of Moses one finds the following words : " Moses , having heard the words of God , transmitted them to the Jews . "
5 ‘ In the gospels , Sir John , Christ says that at the end of the world the very heavens will rock and the planets fall to earth in a fiery blaze . ’
6 Lambarde writing here at Halling in 1596 when he revised his Perambulation of Kent , states that at the time of the Charter there were in Kent more kings than one , going on to state that " by occassion of this old Charter , I am afraid from the history of Halling I find none other report in writing " .
7 Though the official figures are not easy to interpret it seems that at the outbreak of the Seven Years War about half its manpower was drawn either from the jails of London and other cities or from the crews of foreign ships .
8 This means that at a time of crisis , such as death , there are fewer people to turn to than there used to be when it was the norm to live much nearer to kinfolk .
9 Since work to be undertaken in respective months in the kitchen , fruit and flower gardens was noted in the Dictionary , it might be thought that a Kalendar was superfluous , but Miller explains that at the request of particular friends he had produced a work not only portable , but also at a price to suit those who could not afford a larger book .
10 He confesses that at the age of 40 he had reached ‘ the proverbial midlife crisis ’ and was searching for a different way of life .
11 In other words you can have what goes on in the brain at the hardware level does or at the level of nuance does n't necessarily have to correlate with what goes on at a high level description .
12 It is difficult to assess the number of garbage pickers , because this fluctuates seasonally and because they are not really enumerated in official statistics , but Birkbeck estimates that at the time of the study , there were between 1,200 and 1,700 garbage pickers in Cali .
13 He acknowledges his indebtedness to Tolstoy and maintains that at the time of reading the book he was passing through a period of doubt and scepticism .
14 That presupposes that at the date of the accounts all the relevant liabilities are known .
15 Her husband John was made redundant from Parsonage pit in an earlier wave of closures , and she believes that at the age of 41 he will never work again .
16 An eye-witness claims that at the height of the commotion , McCluskey motioned to hit a policeman and had to be physically restrained .
17 In fact , the evidence suggests that at the time of the great debates over defence and the Middle East in 1946 Britain had a realistic view of Soviet intentions in this area — that they fundamentally consisted in a determination to secure access to oil concessions in northern Iran .
18 The indemnity only covers market value claims as at the date of exchange .
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