Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] have the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It could be that Lord Roskill wished in this way to exonerate the mischievous label-switcher , but that person is anyway not guilty of theft because he does not have the mental element .
2 ‘ The boat will not have proper insurance cover because he does not have the correct safety certificates and if there was an accident or the boat sank , everybody on board would be in trouble . ’
3 ( It is probable that fish and chips is ambiguous , with one opaque and one transparent reading , the two being optionally distinguishable in pronunciation ; chips and fish , on the other hand , is not ambiguous , and does not have the two pronunciation options . )
4 However , the overwhelming majority of recruits to the best jobs at the airport are recruited , unavoidably it seems , outside Shetland ( as yet the Shetland workforce does not have the relevant training or skills ) .
5 If the court comes to the conclusion for any reason that the solicitor does not have the requisite authority , it should , of its own motion if necessary , require the solicitor to obtain that authority and ensure that the relevant fund remains under the control of the court meanwhile .
6 If , upon arrival of the goods , the consignee does not have the required bill of lading in his possession , he often obtains the carrier 's release of the goods by tendering an acceptable letter of indemnity .
7 Such horses often have a very long coat of hair , a ‘ malnutrition coat ’ , which the horse grows against cold , as it does not have the normal layer of fat under its skin to protect it .
8 Because agents are seen merely as the supports of this structure , their intentional properties do not enter into social explanation ; and because its various components are interdetermined , the economic sphere does not have the straightforward primacy that economism requires .
9 It lacks the vitality to throw these conditions off ; it does not have the expulsive power of Ipecacuanha and the chest steadily fills up with mucus ; rattling breathing with the inability to raise phlegm .
10 ‘ Women in the industry are not dissatisfied with such work ’ asserts Blauner , without giving his evidence for this statement : ‘ Work does not have the central importance and meaning in their lives that it does for men , since their most important roles are those of wives and mothers ’ .
11 This was required by the SIB in order to protect customers of smaller firms , which might need to rely on the larger firm with or through whom they are dealing ( although it is doubtful that a small securities firm should trade in complicated derivatives at all if it does not have the necessary expertise ) .
12 The real problem is that this building does not have the necessary cable ducts .
13 This does not mean to say that he does not have the necessary competence to perform adequately as a member of a wider society , but it is in general a passive competence .
14 This leads us to the disturbing conclusion that there is a degree of subjectivity in identifying a stretch of language as discourse — it may be meaningful and thus communicate to one person in a way which another person does not have the necessary knowledge to make sense of — yet in practice we find that discourse is usually perceived as such by groups , rather than individuals .
15 I understand that the Greater Manchester force still does not have the necessary computer capacity to take full advantage of the police national computer mark 2 .
16 Whatever the explanation , it is very sad that the Manchester force does not have the necessary computer capacity .
17 Wallaby skipper Nick Farr-Jones , Australian Rugby Football Union executive member Ron Meagher and Queensland Rugby Union executive director Terry Doyle are worried that South Africa does not have the necessary infrastructure to cope with the huge demands the World Cup will place on the country .
18 The effluent from Belmont is treated by a sewage works which does not have the necessary filtering equipment to remove the chemical before it is discharged into a nearby river .
19 The unit will not corrode and does not have the sharp beam pattern cut off of modern halogen lights .
20 If everybody does not have the moral resolve to make their views known , and their presence felt , we will be restricted to walking reservations and climbing on climbing walls .
21 In a forthright and emotional speech she declared that Gorbachev " does not have the moral right to govern " .
22 It appears to be that the generally unskilled nature of the labour force helps to determine that the processes of UK industry are , by present international standards , relatively simple and low productivity ones ; the country is locked into comparatively simple technology because it does not have the technical expertise to use technology to the fullest effect .
23 It is likely that the Soviet Union will process some of the Iraqi material , but it does not have the technical competence to deal with the irradiated , enriched uranium ; so it is entirely appropriate that France and this country should provide our technical facilities , which are internationally regarded , to do the necessary work .
24 Their effect on stress does not have the comparative regularity , independence and predictability of suffixes , and there is no prefix of one or two syllables that always carries primary stress .
25 Nor does the Athenaion Politeia say more than that on certain matters the Boule does not have the final decision ( xlv ) , which is less than a direct and triumphant assertion of the Assembly 's sovereignty .
26 BUT as the 2.5 turbo does not have the best reputation , it may be worth a try .
27 Nikolayeva certainly does not have the Horowitzian panache generally associated with Russian virtuosos — it is her mind and ears which are transcendental rather than her fingers — but that ‘ handicap ’ is actually a positive attribute since it makes for painstaking care and originality in all of her interpretations .
28 The ruling United National Party does not have the two-thirds majority in parliament required to change the constitution .
29 Although the centre-right Alliance handsomely won the East German election , it does not have the two-thirds majority in parliament needed to change the constitution to allow unification to go ahead .
30 The owner of a patent does not have the unfettered right to make an invention available only on onerous terms .
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