Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [coord] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It goes on and uses the picture of the children of Israel in the wilderness , how they harden their hearts .
2 Ah but th th th there 's a rack and w one goes on and holds the horn post up to the boot while it 's driven , then it comes out and there 's two , one 's half a tooth , so it ensures one or the other 's in , and they work like that .
3 And he then actually goes on and writes the passage I began by reading of straight autobiography .
4 To begin with , the trainee sits in and observes the therapist 's assessments ; later their roles are reversed , so that the trainee can be given feedback about his performance .
5 Some simply washed in the pool of water meant for each eagle , dipping their heads and wings in and letting the water run down their backs .
6 One gripes and holds off and bangs the pillows and thinks the real thing is to come , and then one starts to lose the thread .
7 Fine roots develop from the nodes and the plant develops rapidly and outgrows the tank .
8 This gradually changed the atmosphere to the composition that it has today and allowed the development of higher forms of life such as fish , reptiles , mammals , and ultimately the human race .
9 With the rest of its length still inverted , it looks around and tests the air .
10 The conducting officer just looks around and assesses the result .
11 The wing unstalls immediately and prevents the spin from developing .
12 So , a person with a higher than normal cholesterol concentration carries a relatively low risk if he/she does not smoke , has low blood pressure , is not overweight , exercises regularly and has no history of heart disease in the family .
13 Mosfet Q6 avalanches repetitively and absorbs the energy stored in the leakage inductance of the coil .
14 When the theme has been decided , she goes away and prepares a design .
15 The Coel sits a-loft and greets the light , clear and strong his cry .
16 Thus when the chimpanzee , supplied in the laboratory with two boxes and a stick to reach a suspended bunch of bananas , stops leaping up and trying the reach them with its hands and instead puts one box on top of the other , climbs up and dislodges the bananas with the stick , it is using to the full its basic ability to suppress the automatic response — leaping up — in favour of the intelligent one — climbing up and reaching with the stick .
17 Lucker fills up and checks the car , whilst I buy some food , zap it through the microwave , and bring it out steaming to the car .
18 At about midnight , Lucker wakes up and wants a drink .
19 Chap goes home and finds the missus in bed with one of the neighbours . ’
20 The Night Goblin just hangs on and has no effect upon the Squig 's determination .
21 He pulls the top part of the metal cover further up , and the lower half sinks at the same time ; he reaches in and gathers an armful of logs , bringing them over to the hearth .
22 She reaches over and brushes the hair off of my eyes .
23 Unlike B. echinosperma , B. octandra grows quickly and develops a mass of greyish-white fleshy roots .
24 All they have to do is keep the mothers out of the way whenever she shows up and to psych the kids into thinking Caduta 's some kind of superwomb .
25 He reaches up and takes the oregano off the spice rack .
26 The subtle vibrations of our mind reaches out and touches the minds of all others .
27 He reaches out and puts a hand comfortingly on Robyn 's pair .
28 Mind you , I dusts and polishes around and runs the Hoover over the carpet .
29 It intervenes in and supervises every aspect of the co-operatives ' running and organization .
30 We feed the figures into a mathematical formula and the formula then takes over and does the processing for us .
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