Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [prep] the [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , check that your speech fits in with the speeches and toasts given by others .
2 As the froth turns in from the sides and the coffee begins to rise in the pot , it is removed from the heat and a little is poured into each cup to distribute the froth .
3 Pipe bows on to the parcels and decorate the party hats .
4 Our physical characteristics are handed on through the genes but the far more important part of us , the mental , lives on in the minds and eventually in the memory of the human race .
5 Does he realise that the real potential danger to the Union of Scotland with Britain lies not with the separatists but with his Government 's refusal to listen to the voice of the people of Scotland ?
6 A description of the course penned in 1892 holds true : ‘ Like many of the best links , the Aberdovey course lies partly among the sand-hills and partly on the low ground just inside .
7 Here the Harper clan gather , a small tribe , frail , ageing , on the threshold of 1980 , in the presence of the sky : here thirteen-year-old Celia , young , aspiring , judgemental , reflects upon the past , as , long after her usual bedtime , she looks up at the stars and plots her own future .
8 The computer part of the study has been my personal research interest , but it has also over the years provided stimulating final-year projects for students in the Engineering Mathematics Department .
9 If one looks back at the text-books and review papers written about psychobiology during t , his period one finds that they were largely preoccupied with topics like motivation and emotion .
10 That portion of the epicranium which lies immediately behind the frons and between the compound eyes is termed the vertex .
11 Our concern is with that huge category of stock which is not issuing well and which fills our valuable storage space : the nineteenth-century biographies ; the classics of politics and philosophy ; the long journal runs ; the multi-volume histories ; the ‘ complete ’ works ; the novels , plays and studies of and by yesterday 's men and women ; the giant topographical histories — the accumulated cultural and historical heritage that lies heavily on the stacks and on the reference shelves .
12 And then he looks forward to the weekends and that .
13 BLUE PLANET 's sensational photography explores continents and oceans , and looks too at the forces that influence our environment : storms , volcanoes , earthquakes , typhoons and , perhaps the most powerful of all , Mankind .
14 There are many difficulties in getting supplies through to the zones and priority is given to medicines , not to contraceptives , Campesina combatants are generally opposed to using contraceptives for religious reasons and while women from urban areas may wish to adopt some form of birth control , it is not always available :
15 Lord Morris said : The degree of precision or definition which makes a purpose a particular purpose depends entirely on the facts and circumstances of a purchase and sale transaction .
16 We have used here a mathematical theorem stating that the line integral of a gradient depends only on the end-points and not on the connecting path .
17 Yet there is material in what he says elsewhere in the Investigations and in other of his later writings for a many-sided and , I think , useful development of the comparison .
18 The aim of all these procedures is to ensure that no patient arrives home without the drugs or equipment needed or is left without adequate care and support .
19 The former occurs both within the thermals and in the slowly downward drifting cold fluid between the thermals .
20 The mist obscures their support crews and steals blankly between the men and the homes in which they will sleep .
21 She 's back in the canteen from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. , when she goes home to the children and her working day starts its next shift .
22 Apted 's definitions do not seem to take into account the student who goes directly to the shelves and looks for a book for an essay topic .
23 and all that , then he took no notice of that , now do n't tip them silly , what the bloody hell you doing that for ? , do n't be so daft , so any way , then Stuart goes off into the showers and turns the showers on
24 Hence a conjugate of ( F 2 2 ) z , such as P(FR1)JP-I is also a pair of exchanges and it acts only on the pieces that are brought to the four working locations by P .
25 This chapter concentrates largely on the fortunes and activities of Franklin Electronic Publishers and SelecTronics , the two chip-based electronic book publishers .
26 St Helens ' new county champion Greg Helsby leads off in the singles and Raife Hutt of Southport & Ainsdale is back in the side .
27 The story-line and the characters may seem incredible — like beautiful Remedios who floats up into the heavens while folding the household sheets and is never seen again — but Marquez defies you to disbelieve in them .
28 Husband and wife again particularly to plan a will so that it all ends up with the children if that is eventually what you want with no tax payable or a a a reduced amount of tax .
29 It is no longer a one-to-one relationship in which the counsellor concentrates exclusively upon the feelings and needs of a single person , for other people must now be considered .
30 The foreskin develops early in intrauterine life as a protuberance of penile epidermis that grows forwards over the glans and adheres to it .
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