Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The unit tries to keep the offenders out of court , an aim that sits uneasily with the government 's new philosophy that prison and punishment work .
2 Never know what goes on in a nutter 's mind .
3 Well that does n't show any er expertise in what goes on in a solicitor 's office at all .
4 Yes , I think for a lot of people that 's true and I do n't denigrate that because I think a lot of good work goes on in the Women 's Institute , but what we are particularly interested in is in the professional craftsman , the craftsman who has trained for a number of year to produce extremely good work , and what we try to do is to make that work more available to the public in a number of ways .
5 Jakobson 's answer to this argument is , however , a powerful one : all users of a language must necessarily know the system of categories into which its different elements are divided , even if only unconsciously ; and his analysis of poetry does not claim to represent what goes on in the reader 's mind , but to account for the special effect which the poetry , for reasons of which he may well be unaware , exercises on him .
6 THE SPECTATOR , and even the onfield adversary , can little suspect what goes on inside a cricketer 's head .
7 In the end this is a debate not about bolting versus traditional climbing , it 's a debate about morality — about what goes on inside a climber 's head when he look s at his ( or her ) environment .
8 I 've always thought babies have a pretty rotten life , completely under the control of people who do n't have any idea of what goes on inside a baby 's mind — ’
9 It is also experimenting with a hybrid telemarketing scheme called WinCentralDirect that fits in with the company 's plug-and-play attempt and puts customers in contact with NT-certified technical and business consultants .
10 It is also experimenting with a hybrid telemarketing scheme called WinCentralDirect that fits in with the company 's plug-and-play attempt and puts customers in contact with NT-certified technical and business consultants .
11 The system is flexible and fits in with the user 's way of working .
12 However , as I said , the industry broadly goes along with the CITB 's proposals and with this order , which embodies them .
13 Well of course , and er , and er Lithuania has right from the beginning er embarked on a , a sort of a campaign for independence in a most impeccably peaceful way .
14 It is difficult to put a specific date on when Jarman became ‘ mine host ’ at the ancient hostelry ; the time of his villainies lies somewhere between the inn 's foundation in 1106 , and the rebuilding of around 1500 .
15 Orientalism lives on in the tourist 's gaze , says Nigel Whiteley
16 As Marina Warner makes clear , the inspiration of this work owes much to the artist 's visit to the rococo pilgrimage churches of Bavaria .
17 The particularly rapid growth of Norman Broadbent owes much to the partners ' skill and luck in their sense of timing in the formation of the company ; it is unlikely that this could now be repeated quite so successfully .
18 This sense of being on fresh ground where new aspects of behaviour , new distributions and even new species are still to be discovered , adds greatly to the book 's fascination as a comprehensive account of the family .
19 time and again the Ministerial contribution to penal policy-making … lies not in the Minister 's bringing in his own fresh policy ideas , but in his operating creatively and with political drive upon ideas , proposals , reports , etc. , that are , so to speak , already to hand , often within the department but sometimes in the surrounding world of penal thought .
20 Sandy Island , which you can just see on the horizon from the Beach Restaurant , looks just like a cartoonist 's typical desert island sketch .
21 This may occur in Keegan 's ‘ global company ’ but there the emphasis lies more in the company 's approach to products and markets , without the same global integration of flows of resources , ideas and people .
22 Pillars of Gold starts off with a woman 's body being fished out of Camden Lock and a woman called Barbs going missing .
23 The result , rendered into beautiful and economical English , lives up to the publisher 's claim of ‘ a new literary form ’ .
24 John looks up at the cop 's face .
25 Located in the centre of Birmingham , it looks back to the city 's rich heritage with its colourful canalside setting ; and forward to a dynamic future through its direct link with the International Convention Centre and renowned Symphony Hall .
26 Ash-Wednesday , for all its renunciation , does at times look towards the childhood of the race , but more strongly it looks back to the poet 's own childhood with which this primitivism is associated , as Eliot looks back , in language mixing ‘ Gerontion ’ , Virgil , and a new interest in his own childhood .
27 Grant Simons presents a view of the inside of the North American XB-70 Valkyrie at the USAF Museum and looks back into the type 's turbulent past
28 A wide knowledge of printing and typography is needed , since good typography adds immeasurably to an advertisement 's impact , readability and style , and it is the art director who will choose the type face .
29 On the road , however , in regular use , the Corrado VR6 is the one that stands out in the driver 's mind as the quickest , most comfortable , most civilised and most user-friendly of all .
30 The serenity , then , belongs to the poet , not to the myth : it lies precisely in the poet 's attempt to palliate the dark truths that the myth represents .
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