Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [verb] on [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter has necessarily concentrated on activity at the centre and , in doing so , demonstrated how much any local initiative depends eventually on Course-wide endorsement .
2 The third generation version , which has just gone on sale in Britain , looks likely to continue the success story .
3 Ancient church treasures of gold , silver , ivory and rock crystal ; enamelled , filigreed , and bejewelled , which were stolen from Quedlinburg by a US army lieutenant in 1945 , have been returned to Germany , and the whole contents of the treasury some fifty works has just gone on display in the Kunstgewerbemuseum until 30 May 1993 .
4 Porterfield has already gone on record by saying the former England coach has easily proved to be his best signing .
5 The Institute indicated when it commissioned the report that it would make every effort to adopt its proposals wherever possible , and has already agreed on action in a number of areas .
6 Lucy has also worked on production of a promotional video illustrating aspects of Medau which can be enjoyed by all age groups .
7 The River Nene around Peterborough has really come on form for roach in the last few months , despite the weather , with double-figure hauls of quality fish commonplace .
8 The fact that precious substances have been sucked with so much gusto into the stream of mass consumption admittedly has small bearing on jewellery as an art .
9 They were 97 for 2 , still 70 behind , when he bagged three of the most illustrious wickets Test cricket has even had on offer in the space of only four balls .
10 Much of the revision work has therefore concentrated on analysis of available mining and drilling records .
11 Sir Keith Joseph has recently gone on record as saying that he wished that examiners could be more objective in their assessment of what children know .
12 Similarly , if a firm 's name keeps on appearing on behalf of plaintiffs against major local factories , you can be fairly sure that they are retained on behalf of a union .
13 The principles and advances thus established on behalf of individual litigants and at their prompting redounded to the benefit of the king , not least when his own servants were suing other clergy and patrons for possession of benefices to which the king had presented them ; in particular the livings affected by the new pluralism laws would be likely subjects of such writs .
15 People who give up cigarettes very commonly report explicit ( and guilty ) dreams about smoking in the first few weeks , even though there is every reason to believe that sleep actually becomes less disturbed on withdrawal from nicotine .
16 It is , of course , clear that the Report does not speak on behalf of working-class culture , but it should also be noted that it distances itself from the culture of the middle class ( cf. 236/256–7 ) .
17 624 does not depend on Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 for the undoubted validity of its conclusions and is consistent with Reg. v. Morris [ 1984 ] A.C. 320 .
18 The argument does not rely on research in the conventional sense , certainly not my own and only occasionally other people 's , which I shall mention in any case more to illustrate points than to prove them .
19 The 40-piece collection is made from ‘ green cotton ’ , picked by hand to avoid chemical defoliants , and which does not rely on formaldehyde in the finishing process .
20 The Institute is opposed to specific legislation on this point since it considers it to be a ‘ practical problem ’ which does not impinge on implementation of the Directive itself .
21 After playing this for a while , I reckon the original mark ( 38% , Issue 73 ) was a mite generous for a game that does n't rely on skill in the slightest — you just need to memorise the entry and exit points of the Gremlins and use the same movements , screen after screen with no variation .
22 A new concept that does n't depend on recognition , does n't depend of check-off and does n't depend on representation by shop stewards in every workplace .
23 A SPORTS car which does n't go on sale in Britain until next year has won a top award at the British International Motor Show .
24 A girl called Sarah when I 'm in Los Angeles but she does n't come on tour with me — I just use people from local salons if I need them .
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