Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [verb] to [art] new " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Industry has not responded to the new opportunities provided by the devaluation of sterling .
2 The company is currently operating eight sites and has just moved to a new office in South Normanton , Derbyshire .
3 Insurance cover , rates and utility charges on property not yet sold ( if the employee has already moved to the new location ) .
4 may be delayed when dementia sufferer lives alone , or is not well known in the community ( eg crowded city areas ; living in multi-storey blocks , or has recently moved to a new area ) .
5 British Telecom has reluctantly agreed to a new price formula after being rapped by watchdog OFTEL .
6 Having learnt this routine previously , then dogs soon adapt to the new version .
7 London Transport does not have to switch frequencies before 1990 , But this massive victory for British diplomacy does have one minor drawback — the transitional period does not apply to the new users .
8 I feel er something of a stranger walking in on the Maastricht reunion er annual dinner er at the er I have to say that erm I er would n't wish to cross swords with the honourable gentleman on the detail of the Maastricht bill but certainly but certainly I 'ave to say that for many people and maybe even some people on this own side who may be prepared to admit it , the false divide between Euro sceptics and Euro fanatics is one that does n't appeal to the new generations of members and I suspect on both sides of the house , we are in our considered view in Europe and we need to make the best of it and treat Europe on its merits rather than re-live the battles of the er late seventies and early eighties .
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